New Friends

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The next day, I wake up from my alarm, to get ready for my first day at Sydney Uni. I turn off the alarm from my phone and sits up from my bed. "First day of college. Let's go!", I smiled to myself, before getting out of bed, and take a morning shower to start the day!

After having a morning shower, I dry my hair and get dressed for the day. I then video call my parents and my sister, Lyla from Los Angeles, as they prepare to go to bed. "Hey, Mia.", Dad greeted. "Hi, Dad!", I greeted. "Getting ready for your first day at college?", Dad asked. 

"Yes, it's my first day ever.", I smiled. Then my mom and Lyla comes in to the video call. "Hey, Mia!", Mom called out. "Hey, Mom!", I greeted. "How are you, darling?", Mom asked. "I'm good. Where's Lyla?", I asked. "Right here!", Lyla called out, as she jumped in. 

"Hey, Ly-Ly!", I cried. "Hey, Mia. I miss you.", Lyla smiled. "I miss you too.", I smiled. After talking to my parents and my sister for a while, I end the call. I video call, Grayson, who is getting ready for bed. "Hey, babe.", Grayson sighed. "Hi, Gray.", I greeted with a smile. "First day of college?", Grayson asked.

"Yeah, I'm so excited!", I smiled. Grayson laughs at my words. "I'm so proud of you, baby.", Grayson sighed. "I miss you.", I sighed. "I miss you too, Mia.", Grayson smiled. "I wish you were here.", I sighed. "Me too. But we'll see each other during the holiday breaks.", Grayson replied. "I know, I can't wait for the first break to come.", I sighed. 

Downstairs, my aunt Amanda is making breakfast in the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready!", Amanda called out. In my room, I heard her calls. "I better get going, My first class is in an hour.", I replied. "You better get going, you don't wanna be late for your first day.", Grayson smiled. "You're right. I'll call you tonight. Get some rest.", I replied. 

"Ok, see ya later babe.", Grayson smiled. "Goodnight.", I sighed. "I love you.", Grayson sighed. "I love you too.", I smiled, giving him a blow kiss before he ends to call. I went downstairs and join my relatives for breakfast. "Good morning.", I greeted. "Good morning, Mia.", everyone greeted. 

"Excited for your first day at uni?", Daniel asked. "Yes, I'm so excited.", I smiled. "So, what's your plans for today?", Hannah asked. "Well, just do all of my classes and maybe make some new friends.", I smiled. "That's a great start, Mia.", Amanda smiled. We enjoy our breakfast, before I head off to Sydney Uni. 

At the uni, students including new ones arrive to the campus to start the day. I checked myself in at the reception desk and they gave me my timetable schedule. As I scroll through my timetable, I bump into two girls, and we all drop our books and papers. "Whoa!", one of them cried. "I am so sorry!", I cried. "It's alright.", the other replied. "Here, let me help you both.", I replied. 

"Thanks.", one of them replied. "I'm so sorry.", I cried. "No, it's ok.", the other replied. After collecting all of our papers and books, I look through my timetable again and one of the girls notice that I was having trouble. "You ok?", she asked. "Yeah, I'm just looking through my timetable.", I replied. "Let me see.", she replied. 

I showed her my timetable and she looks at hers, including her friend's. All three of us realise that our timetables are the exact same ones and we're in the same classes for every subject. "Our timetables are the same! Which means, we're all in the same classes.", I replied. 

"We're trying to find the classroom as well, maybe we all can look for it together.", one of the girls asked. "Great idea.", I smiled. "Let's go!", the other girl replied, as the three of us head together. "I'm Mia, by the way.", I greeted. "I'm Tess, and this is Ali.", Tess replied. "Hi.", Ali smiled. "Nice to meet you both. Are you guys best friends?", I asked. 

"We're actually roommates and we just met yesterday, so we're getting to know each other.", Tess replied. I noticed the girls have an American accent, rather than an Australian accent, and I wondered if they're also from U.S. "Are you guys from the U.S. because I hear that you both have American accents?", I asked. 

"Yes, we're from the U.S. and we're Americans, like you.", Ali smiled. "Which part of the U.S. are you from?", I asked. "Nashville, Tennessee.", Ali smiled. "New York.", Tess smiled. "What about you, Mia?", Ali asked. "Los Angeles, California.", I smiled. "We should sit together in class and maybe get to know each other.", Tess smiled. "I love it.", I replied, as we head to class together. 

During recess break, I joined Tess and Ali and we started to talk and getting to know each other. Then two boys came to us and one of them called out for Ali. "Hey, Ali!", he called out. Ali looks and sees him. "Robby, come and join us.", Ali smiled. "Tess, Mia. This is Robby, my twin brother. Robby, this is my roommate Tess and our friend, Mia.", Ali smiled. 

"Hello, ladies.", Robby smiled, as he looks at Tess, who also looks at him. I sense that there's an affection between them. Robby has a friend with him and Ali looks at him and then at her brother. "Oh, this is Nic, my roommate. Nic, this is my sister, Ali and her friends.", Robby replied. 

"Tess.", Tess smiled. "Mia.", I smiled and Nic looks at me with a smile. "Hello, nice to meet you all.", Nic smiled. Robby and Nic join us for recess and we all instantly become friends. 


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