Tough Choice

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6 months later, I have been studying at college, hanging out with my cousins and friends and video-calling Grayson, my friends and family back home. I have been hanging out a lot with Nic, as he takes me everywhere around Sydney and I'm enjoying every bit of it. 

But I didn't tell Grayson about my hangouts with Nic and Lyla is not happy about this. "I can't believe you, Mia. You promised him that you wouldn't lie or kept secrets to him.", Lyla replied. "I know, but it'll hurt him if I told him that I'm hanging out with another guy.", I replied. 

"I thought you said that Grayson will understand.", Lyla replied. "Well, I called him and when he immediately answered my call, I just froze and I told him I was going out with a friend, he asked who is was, and I froze again. I was so anxious that I said Tess' name.", I cried. 

"And you still hang out with this guy behind Grayson's back.", Lyla scoffed. "He's just being a good friend, Ly-Ly!", I cried. "A male friend, who you don't hang out with a lot, while you already have a boyfriend.", Lyla cried. 

"Judge me all you want, Ly-Ly. But I'm hanging out with Nic, whether you like it or not!", I replied. Lyla couldn't believe what I just said to her and her face is filled with disappointment. "I don't know you anymore.", Lyla replied, as she ends the video call. 

Olive overheard my conversation with Lyla. "She's right, you know.", Olive replied. I turn and saw Olive behind me near my bedroom door. "You can't hang out too much with a guy, who isn't your boyfriend.", Olive sighed. "But, Nic's just being nice to me. There's nothing wrong about that.", I cried. 

"Still, you shouldn't hang out too much with another guy. What is Grayson finds out about your hangouts with Nic?", Olive asked. "He won't, trust me. It'll be ok.", I replied. "Ok, but you should know that, whatever happens in the dark, always comes to light.", Olive replied, as she leaves. 

At dinner, Mike and Olive have some news for us to tell. "Mum, Dad. Olive and I have some news to tell you.", Mike replied. "What is it?", Daniel asked. At first, Daniel and Amanda assumed Mike and Olive are expecting. "Are you having a baby?", Amanda asked. Mike and Olive is surprised by her question. 

"What? No!", Mike cried. "Mike and I have decided to get this Christmas.", Olive replied. This surprises all of us. "What?!", I asked in shock. "That's amazing!", Hannah cried. "Wonderful!", Amanda cried. "You have been engaged not too long ago.", Daniel replied. 

"I know, Dad. But we talked about getting married during Christmas time and we wanted to do that.", Mike replied, as he and Olive smile at each other. "What day is the wedding?", I asked. "We're getting married on 24 December, Christmas Eve.", Olive replied. 

"Christmas Eve?!", Sarah asked. "Yep, just before Christmas Day.", Mike smiled. "Have you guys planned the wedding?", Hannah asked. "Not yet, we just made the decision an hour ago.", Olive replied. "Yeah, I mean, we haven't hired a wedding planner or a photographer and haven't got a venue or hire a caterer.", Mike replied. "And I still haven't find a dress yet.", Olive sighed. 

"What?!", Amanda asked. "What you decided, where you'll get married?", I asked. "Yes, at the Metropolitan Club in New York.", Mike smiled. "New York?!", Daniel asked. "We wanted a Christmas Winter Wonderland wedding, and I've want to get married in New York at Christmas, when there is snow.", Olive smiled. 

"Well, hire a wedding planner here in Sydney and see if they can book the venue there. We'll let the whole family know about this.", Daniel replied. "And we'll tell our friends about the news after dinner.", Olive replied. After dinner, my family back home are told by the news about Mike and Olive's wedding and are happy for him. 

I was in my room, thinking of what Lyla said and knew I have to tell Nic that I can't hang out with him anymore, if I want to save my relationship with Grayson. I text Nic to meet me in the city to talk and he agrees. I took a bus to the city and meet him at Circular Quay, where the Sydney Opera House is. 

I arrive first and is waiting for Nic to arrive and he eventually arrives at the meeting point. "Hey, I got your message and I came here as soon as I can.", Nic replied. "Nic, we need to talk.", I replied. "Ok, sure. What's up?", Nic asked. "Nic, I'm flatted of you hanging out with me and showing me around Sydney.", I sighed. 

"No worries, I'm glad we hang out.", Nic smiled. "But, I'm keeping our hangouts as a secret from my boyfriend and lied to him about it. I made a promise to Gray that I would never lie or keep anymore secrets from him. I'm sorry, Nic. But I can't hangout with you anymore.", I sighed. 

"What?", Nic asked in shock. "I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore. I have a boyfriend and it's not right for me to hang out with another guy behind his back.", I replied. "I thought everything's going great between us, like becoming friends, getting know each other and maybe, become more.", Nic sighed. 

When he said he wanted us to be more, I realise that he has develop feelings towards me and wanted to enter a relationship with me, despite that I'm already dating. "No!", I cried. "Why not? I've been in love with you since we first met.", Nic cried. "But I already have a boyfriend!", I cried. 

"So? Soon, things won't work between you two and maybe we'll be together after you guys break up.", Nic smiled. "Are you nuts?! You and I will never happen! I love Grayson and I will never cheat on him with you!", I yelled. "But I love you!", Nic cried.

"I don't! When will you accept that you and I will never get together?!", I yelled, before leaving and head to catch a bus back home, leaving Nic standing there. 

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