College Life

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It's been a month since I started college at Sydney Uni and have been living in Australia with my relatives. I spend my days, studying, going to classes, hanging out with my friends and relatives and even video call my family back home. I'm enjoying my college life!

I miss all of my friends and family back home, but mostly I miss Grayson, because I wouldn't be able to see him until my holiday breaks. As the weekend comes by, I return home after a day at college and rest in my room after a long day. Sarah and Hannah comes in after I arrive home. 

"Hey.", Hannah greeted. "Hey.", I sighed. "Long day?", Sarah asked. "Tiring.", I sighed, as I lay on my bed. "It's the weekends and we should go and see a movie tonight. We asked Mum and Dad and they said we can go to the movies tonight and go out for dinner. We can have popcorn at the movies and get some pizza for dinner.", Hannah replied. 

"Sounds good. What movie shall we see tonight?", I asked. "We can look up and see what the cinema is showing.", Sarah smiled, as she pulls out her phone to search up. "What movie genre should we see? Action?", Sarah asked. "No.", Hannah replied. "Sci-Fi?", Sarah asked. "Nah.", I sighed. 

"Horror?", Sarah asked. "Hell, no!", Hannah cried with Sarah rolling her eyes with annoyance. "Ok, how about romantic?", Sarah asked. "Yes!", Hannah cried. "Sounds great! I love romance.", I smiled. Sarah looks for a romantic film, showing and finds an interesting romantic movie. 

"I found one, it's called One True Loves.", Sarah replied. "Ooh! It sounds romantic!", Hannah smiled. "We should go and see it.", I smiled. "I'm down for it.", Hannah replied. "Ok, I'll buy the movie tickets now!", Sarah smiled as she leaves my room and buys 3 movie tickets online and select seats for us at the movie theatre. 

That night, Sarah, Hannah and I went out for pizza, an hour before the movie. After having dinner at the pizza place, we went to the cinema and watch One True Loves. The movie is beautiful and emotional for me, as I watch it on the big screen. After having pizza and watching a movie, we all went home. 

I return to my room and I get a video call from Grayson on my phone and I immediately answer it and Grayson's face appears on my phone screen. To my surprise, he is in the bathroom, wearing nothing, but a towel around his hips and soaking wet. 

"Hey, babe!", Grayson greeted with a smile. "Hey! You're up?", I asked. "Umm, yes. Just took a shower and getting ready for class.", Grayson replied. "Well, you needed to freshen up for the day.", I smiled. "How's your day?", Grayson asked. 

"Tiring. I had a really long day and night. Sarah, Hannah and I went out for pizza and a movie tonight. Now I'm so tired.", I sighed, as I fall on my bed. "You should get some sleep, babe. It's pretty late over there.", Grayson sighed. "Yes, I should and you should get ready for class.", I replied. 

"Yeah, I better get going, class starts in an hour and I rather don't want to be late.", Grayson smiled. "That's a good idea. I'm going to bed, so I'll message you when I wake up in the morning.", I replied. "Ok, goodnight, I love you.", Grayson replied. "I love you, too. Have a good day.", I smiled as he ends the call. 

I took a shower, brush my teeth and get into my pyjamas for bed. As I lay in bed, I look at the photo frames of my family and Grayson with Margot and Araminta. In my mind, I really miss them all and couldn't wait to see them when I come back home for the holiday break. 

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