Heartbreak, Regret and Arrest

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After having fun with my family at Mike and Olive's engagement party, I decided to go outside of the venue to have some quiet and alone time to myself, away from the crowd and the noise for a while. I sat down on a nearby bench and look at photos of Grayson on my phone. 

Suddenly, Nic appears out of nowhere. "Mia!", Nic cried. I looked up and saw him approaching up to me. I'm shocked in fear when he came up towards me. "What are you doing here?!", I asked in a loud, confronting voice. "I need to talk to you. You look beautiful.", Nic smiled. "What part of staying away from me don't you understand?", I asked. 

"Mia, please. Can we just talk?", Nic asked. "No, Nic! You know what you're not suppose to go near or interact with me!", I replied. "But I can't stop thinking about you. I love you, Mia!", Nic cried. Unknowing to us, Lyla saw Nic and I arguing and start filming us. 

"For the last time, I don't want to be with you, I never love you! Don't you understand?!", I cried. "Mia, please! Don't reject me.", Nic cried. "I'm sorry, Nic. But I love Grayson.", I replied, as I try to walk away, but Nic grabs my arm, pulling me back towards him and he kisses me. This shocks me, as I try to resist, but Nic is too strong. Lyla quickly rushes to fetch Jack and Mike. 

Grayson arrives to the venue, with a bouquet of red roses in his hand, when he saw Nic and I kissing. Grayson is shock and horrified of what he saw. He drops the rose bouquet to the ground and is enraged. "What the fuck?!", Grayson yelled, which scared Nic and I. I was shocked to see Grayson in front of me. 

"Gray! No, it's not what it looks like!", I cried. "What is going on? Who's this guy?!", Grayson asked. "You must be Grayson.", Nic smiled. "Yeah, and who the fuck are you?!", Grayson asked. "I'm Nic, and we're just having a romantic moment, aren't we?", Nic smiled, winking at me. "No! We're not!", I yelled, pushing Nic away from me. 

"What on earth are you doing in Australia?", I asked. "Lyla called me and asked me to come here to surprise you.", Grayson replied. Suddenly, Jack and Mike comes out of the venue, alongside with my whole family and the some of the party guests. "What the hell's going on out here?!", Jack asked, and he sees Nic. 

"What the hell are you doing here? This is a private event!", Jack yelled. Mike is also shocked of Nic's presence. "Leave now!", I yelled at Nic. "You heard her, you get out of here before we call the cops!", Courtney yelled. "I'm not leaving until I talk to Mia!", Nic yelled. "I don't want to talk to you!", I yelled. 

"You heard my girlfriend, leave!", Grayson yelled. "Really? Your girlfriend? Well, she's my girlfriend now.", Nic replied, wrapping his arm around my body. "Get off me!", I screamed, trying to get him off me. This enrages Grayson, who charge at Nic and tackles him to the ground. 

Grayson began to punch Nic many times in the face with rage, as Nic lays on the ground, letting Grayson beat him up. "Grayson, stop!", I screamed. Dad, Jack, Mike and my brother-in-law, Phillip rushes to Grayson and Nic. Dad and Phillip pulls Grayson off Nic, while Mike and Jack held Nic down. 

"Nicholas Patel, you're under arrest for breaching the conditions of your A.V.O.", Mike replied. "What?!", Nic asked in shock. "You don't have to say or do anything if you don't want to. And anything if you do say will be recorded and used as evidence in court. Do you understand?!", Mike asked. 

"I want a lawyer!", Nic yelled. "If you don't comply with my directions or orders and you will committing a further offence!", Mike yelled. Mike looks up at Olive and signals her to call the police. Olive picks up her phone and dials the number. 

"Dispatch, Officer Olivia Kingston, Badge 26938. I have a suspect in custody, breaching conditions of an A.V.O. I need back up.", Olive replied. Minutes later, the police arrive at the city and they came in to check on the situation. "Evening, Swann. Evening, Kingston.", Officer Cole greeted. 

"Evening, Cole. This young man here has breached the condition of his A.V.O. and kept harassing my cousin. Mind if you take him to the station?", Mike replied. "Don't worry, Swann. We'll take care of it. Sorry for interrupting your evening.", Cole smiled. "It's nothing and thanks.", Mike replied. 

Officer Cole and his partner, Officer Tan takes over for Jack and Mike. "Get up, on your feet! Start walking!", Cole yelled, as he and Officer Tan are about to escort him away. Nic takes a look at me one last time. "You're making the biggest mistake of your life, Mia. You'll regret this one day!", Nic yelled. 

"Get him out of here!", Olive replied, and Officer Cole and Officer Tan takes Nic away, into their cruiser and drive away. Nic looks at me at the window and he began to breakdown. "Mia, please! Don't leave me! I love you, I'll always love you!", Nic cried, as he is driven away. But I ignore his words as my sisters comforts me. 

Grayson then leaves, and I go after him. "Grayson, wait!", I cried, running after him. Grayson kept walking and ignoring me, as I try to stop him and try to explain. "Grayson, can you please stop and listen to me for a minute?!", I asked. "What? You kissed another guy in front of me!", Grayson yelled. 

"He kissed me, I tried to pull him away from me. Nic has been obsessed with me when I reject him.", I cried. Grayson realise that Nic was the friend that I was been hanging out with. "It was him, wasn't it? He's the friend that you've been hanging out with the most during your stay.", Grayson replied. "What?!", I asked. 

"Not lie to me, Mia! Lyla told me everything! She told me that you lied to me that your friend was a girl.", Grayson yelled. "Gray, I...", I replied, not knowing what to say next. "You know what? I should've have come here. It was all a big mistake. I can't do this anymore.", Grayson sighed. "What do you mean?", I asked. "We're breaking up, Mia! For good!", Grayson yelled, about to go. 

But I grab his arm and stop him. "No, Gray. Please don't go. I love you.", I cried. Grayson looks down at my arm holding onto his and he gently flings my arm off. "I loved you, but now, I don't know if I can trust you again.", Grayson sighed, as he catches a taxi, who stops for him. He opens the door and looks back at me. "Goodbye, Mia. Take care.", Grayson sighed, and goes in the taxi. 

I stood and watch helpless as Grayson's taxi drives away. I collapse onto my knees and start crying. My whole family was waiting for me back at home, as I walk back home from the city alone. I return inside the house and told everyone that Grayson and I broke up. My siblings came to comfort me and so did my parents. 

Nic was charged and arrested for breaching the conditions of his A.V.O. and spend the night at the police station. 


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