A Reconcilation

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After Olive has her dance with her dad, everyone starts to dance, while I sat there, sad. Jack, who is dancing with Maria, saw me sitting on my table alone, while my sisters and cousins dance together and decides to go to check on me. Maria notice Jack looking at me and looks at him. "You should go check on her.", Maria sighed. "You sure?", Jack asked. "Yes, just go and ask her for a dance. I'll be fine!", Maria smiled.

"Alright. I'll be back later.", Jack smiled, giving Maria a kiss, before heading to me. "Hey Mia, are you ok?", Jack asked. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm just thinking about Grayson.", I sighed.  "Oh, Mia-Doll. It's been 3 months since you two broke up.", Jack sighed. "I know, but I really miss him, Jack. Like really miss him.", I cried. "I understand.", Jack replied, as he put out his hand. "Come on, let's dance.", Jack smiled.

I took his hand and we dance on the dance floor. "I really hurt him, Jack. I shouldn't have hanged out with Nic in the first place and Lyla was right all along and I didn't listen to her.", I sighed. "People make mistakes, Mia. Not just you. I've made mistakes in the past. Maria and I have our ups and downs before and we argued a lot, even after we got married.", Jack replied. "How did you fix things with Maria?", I asked.

"Well, I did a lot of thinking and thought about how am I going to fix things between Maria and I. We talked about our problems and how can we fix it and eventually we make promises to each other and we were able to fix our relationship.", Jack replied. "What if Grayson doesn't want me anymore?", I asked.

"I can't tell you that, Mia. Only Grayson can.", Jack sighed. Jack was right, he can't answer my question, only Grayson can. After the wedding, all of the guests are outside Rockefeller Center with sparklers in their hands, cheers for Mike and Olive as they leave the venue and goes into their limousine and head to their honeymoon suite, before heading to their honeymoon the next day. Olive remember that she must throw her bouquet. "Are you ready ladies?", Olive asked.

All of the single ladies, including my three older sisters and my cousins and I stood behind Olive, who turn her back and throw her bouquet up in the air and I suddenly catch it. Everyone is surprised, so was I, which means I'll be getting married next. Olive and Mike are happy and they wave goodbye to us.

"Goodbye!", I smiled. "See you after the honeymoon!", Mike cried, as he and Olive get inside the limousine, before being driven away as all guests watch them drive off. Daniel and Amanda couldn't be any prouder of Mike and Olive. "I'm so proud of them both.", Amanda sighed. "Me too,", Daniel smiled, holding onto her. Later, all wedding guests have left and my family return to our hotel to rest. "I'm going to go for a walk around the city for a bit.", I replied. "You want any of us to come with you?", Jack asked. "No, it's fine. I want to go on my own.", I sighed.

"Ok, call any of us, if you need anything.", Mom replied. "I know, goodnight.", I sighed. "Goodnight, Mia.", everyone replied, as I hug them all a goodnight. Lyla then send a text to someone on her phone quickly and puts it away before I notice her. "Hey, are we still ok?", I asked. But Lyla didn't answer me. "Listen, Ly-Ly. I am so sorry for everything. I should've listen to you, and didn't. But I'm so sorry. Can you please forgive me?", I sighed. Lyla smiled at me. "I forgive you.", Lyla smiled. "Thank you, Ly-Ly.", I sighed as I hug her.

"You should go back to the Rockefeller Center, where the Christmas tree is.", Lyla replied. "Ok, why?", I asked. "You'll see.", Lyla replied, as I look at her. "Goodnight, Mia.", Lyla smiled, before she heads inside the hotel. I'm curious why she wants me to go to the Christmas tree where Rockefeller Center is, so I decide to go there. I walk all the way back to Rockefeller Center and head to the Christmas tree, where Lyla told me to go and the tree is massive and lit up with beautiful lights.

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