A Scary Obsession

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2 weeks later, after ending my hangouts with Nic, it was Mike and Olive's engagement party, held at Cockle Bay Wharf in Darling Harbour. My family flew from Los Angeles to Sydney for the engagement and Mike, Olive and I went to the airport to pick them up upon their arrival. 

At the airport, my parents, my siblings, including my in-laws and my nieces and nephews arrive to Sydney and I start crying the moment I saw them. I went to hug them all and told them that I miss them so much. We then head back to the house, where Daniel, Amanda and my cousins are waiting inside to greet them. 

Lyla and I talked in my room and she is still upset with me from the last time we spoke. "Listen, Ly-Ly. You were right about Nic, it's not right at all.", I sighed. "Goddamn I was right! I tried telling you that it was a bad idea, but you didn't listen to me.", Lyla replied. 

"I know and I'm so sorry. I already end things with Nic and it won't happen again.", I cried. "Good! Because the last thing I don't want you is to hurt Gray and become a bad person.", Lyla replied. Then there was a moment of silence. "How did Nic go through with it?", Lyla asked.

"Not too well.", I sighed. "Why?", Lyla asked. "Because he develop feelings for me.", I replied, which surprises Lyla. 

My older siblings and my cousins overheard this. "What?!", Jack asked. I turn around and saw him, with my three sisters and our cousins beside him. "Another guy is in love with you?!", Josie asked. "Yes, but I rejected his feelings and made it very clear to him that it'll never happen between us!", I cried. 

"Let me guess? He didn't take it well when you rejected him?", Lyla asked. "Yes, he expected that once Gray and I break up, he will try to persuade me to be with him.", I replied. "That is way out of line!", Courtney replied. 

"For the past 2 weeks, he kept pursing me and begged me to dump Grayson and be with him.", I sighed. "You're kidding?", Mike asked. "I wish.", I sighed. Suddenly, we all heard a car arriving in front of the house and I recognise it, it's Nic. "It's Nic. He wouldn't leave me alone.", I cried. This infuriates Jack, who goes out of my room. 

"Jack!", I cried, as we all ran out of my room and follow Jack to the front door. As Nic comes out of his car, Jack exited out the front door, with my siblings, cousins and I after me. "You must be Nic.", Jack replied. "Yes, who are you?", Nic asked. "My name is Jack Swann, Mia's brother, and she told me you have been harassing her for the past 2 weeks.", Jack replied. 

"What?!", Nic asked. "And what you doing here?", Jack asked. "I want to talk to Mia.", Nic replied. "She doesn't want to talk to you.", Jack replied. Nic then looks at Mia. "Mia, can we please talk?", Nic asked. "For the last time, we are never going to be together! Please, just go!", I cried. 

"You heard her. Leave!", Jack replied. "What are you going to do? Call the cops on me?!", Nic asked. Jack then laughs at him. "Funny thing, because I am a cop!", Jack replied, showing his badge to Nic. "And my cousin, Mike and his fiancee are also cops. Now get out of here, because I have them arrest you.", Jack replied. 

Nic had no choice, but to leave. "This ain't over.", Nic replied, as he heads back to his car and drives away, I stood there in fear, as Olive and my sisters comfort me. Jack comes to check on me. "Are you ok?", Jack asked. "I'm fine.", I sighed, as Jack embraces me. "We better tell Mom and Dad about this.", Katie replied.

All of my siblings and cousins agreed and so did I. I told my parents everything about Nic and how he kept pursuing me after the rejection. My parents are shocked and furious about this and tells Mike that they want to file an A.V.O. against Nic, which everyone agrees, including me. 

One day, at uni, Mike and Olive comes to Sydney Uni to meet Nic. Nic and Robby heads out to the courtyard for lunch and they saw me having lunch with Ali and Tess. Nic attempts to come to me, until Mike calls him out. "Nicholas Patel!", Mike called out. Nic saw Mike and Olive, this time in their police uniforms and Olive hands him an envelope, which contains his A.V.O.

"Is everything ok?", Robby asked.When Nic opens it, he is shocked to see that he's got an A.V.O. "What is this?!", Nic asked. "Nicholas Patel, we're serving you an A.V.O. You must attend court on the date listed on the order until then, you are prohibited from harassing, threatening or interfering with Amelia Swann!", Mike replied. 

"What?!", Robby asked. My friends and I couldn't believe what we just saw. "Are you kidding me?!", Nic asked. "Nor are you to approach or enter into places, where she lives, works or goes to.", Mike replied. "No!", Nic cried. 

"And if you breach these conditions, you may be charged with criminal offences! Do you understand?!", Olive yelled. "You're making a big mistake!", Nic scoffed, before crumbling his A.V.O. and drops it by their feet, before walking away. "Nic!", Robby called out, but Nic ignores him. 

Nic looks at me and leaves. Mike and Olive looks at me and I'm still in shock of what I just saw. Robby is told everything by Tess and he couldn't believe it. "Stalking and harassing?", Robby asked. "It's been going on for the past 2 weeks now.", Tess replied. "What?", Robby asked. "He wouldn't leave me alone, he kept following me and calling or texting me.", I cried. 

"I'm sorry, Mia. I had no idea, Nic's capable of doing this. I should've known.", Robby sighed. "It's not your fault.", Ali replied. "She's right.", Tess replied, as she held Robby's hand, for comfort, as Ali and I noticed them holding each other's hands carelessly and the way they look each other. 

Nic returns to his apartment and enters into his room, where his room is filled with a bunch of photos of me all over his wall and smiles at them, revealing his secret, yet dangerous obsession with me. "If I can't have you, then nobody can!", Nic replied.

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