Saying Goodbye

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1 month later, things have changed since Mike and Olive's engagement party. Nic has been expelled from Sydney Uni because of his A.V.O. and is sent to juvenile back at his home in New Zealand. Robby is devastated of Nic's fate and Tess has been supportive of Robby every day and eventually he gets a new roommate, in Nic's place.

His new roommate is Jay, who is from Toronto, Canada and Robby and Tess set Jay and Ali up on a date. Soon, Jay and Ali hit it off after their first date together. My family are now flying back home to America and as they about to departure, I had a talk with Lyla.

"Lyla?", I asked, but Lyla remains quiet. "Can I talk to you?", I asked. "Sure.", Lyla replied. "Ly-Ly, did you call Grayson to come here, because of Nic and I?", I asked. "Yeah, I couldn't let you lie to him anymore, so I called him one day and told him to fly down here to surprise you. And when Nic was arrested, I told Gray about you and Nic's hangout.", Lyla sighed.

"Gray deserve to know the truth anyway, and I was weak to tell him. You did the right thing, Lyla.", I sighed. Lyla comes up to me and notice me crying. Lyla falls on her knees and hugs her. "I'm sorry about you and Gray.", Lyla sighed. I hug Lyla tight as I cry.

Soon, my family returns home to America, while I stay behind with my relatives and continue with my studies before Christmas break. Just a few days before Christmas and the wedding, I was in the dining room, studying, when my laptop goes off. It was a video call from my mom. I was confused and answered it.

"Mom!", I cried. "Hey, honey.", Mom sighed. "Are you ok? You look sad.", I replied. "Honey, I have some bad news. Nana suffered a heart attack this afternoon, she's in the hospital.", Mom sighed. Everyone in the living room heard Mom and gather around my laptop.

"What? Is Nana ok?", I asked. Mom didn't say a word, as she starts crying. "Mom?", I asked. "I'm sorry, Mia. But Nana passed away 5 minutes ago.", Mom sighed. This lead me into tears. "Nana!", I cried, as I breakdown in tears, with Mike holding onto me. Everyone cries with me and comforts me.

2 weeks later, my relatives and I flew to Los Angeles for Nana's funeral and I was glad to be back home to my family. After my arrival, I came to visit Grayson's mother, Mary. She is happy to see me back home and we talked for a while. Mary is aware that Grayson and I broke up and I'm anxious that Mary hates me for hurting her son.

"I would never hate you, Mia. You are the best thing that happened to my son. I treat you like my own and make you feel like home here.", Mary sighed. "Thanks, Mrs Lee.", I smiled. "You and Grayson will sort things out soon.", Mary smiled. "But what if he doesn't want me anymore and doesn't trust me again?", I asked.

"No, he'll always trust you and he still wants you, dear. He'll forgive you soon. Trust me, I know my son.", Mary smiled.

On the day of the funeral, everyone was wearing black and all of our family members and friends came to say goodbye. It was raining and we said our goodbyes at the local cemetery. After the service, we call put a white rose on top of Nana's coffin before they lower her down to the ground.

"Goodbye, Nana.", I sighed, as I left the cemetery with my sisters. My parents held funeral reception at the house for everyone. I went upstairs into my room, and remember the memories I had in this room, before heading to college.

I mostly spend a lot of time with family and spoke to them through out the day. After the funeral, everyone went home and I was in my room, talking to Margot, who is in Japan and Araminta, who is in Korea, on video-call.

"I understand if you guys hate me for what I did to Grayson.", I sighed. "We could never hate you, Mia. You're our best friend and we love you. You have been the best for Grayson ever since you guys first met and you made him so happy.", Margot replied.

"Grayson said he can't trust me anymore, and he break up with me for good.", I sighed. "He didn't mean to say that. He was just angry. He'll forgive you and trust you soon.", Araminta sighed. "Thanks girls, and thank you for understanding me. I really appreciate it.", I smiled.

"What are best friends for?", Margot smiled. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Come in.", I called out. The door opens and it was Jack and his wife, Maria. "Hey, Mia-Doll.", Jack greeted. "Hey, guys. Sorry, girls. I better go. I'll call you both later.", I smiled. "Ok bye!", Araminta replied, as I end the video call.

"What is it?", I asked. "We're just checking to see if you're ok.", Maria smiled. "I'm fine.", I sighed. "You don't have to lie to us, Mia. We know you're still hurt about Nana." Jack sighed. "I'm ok, really. And aren't you two suppose to be at home with Allegra?", I asked. "She's with my parents right now, because Jack and I want to take you out tonight.", Maria smiled.

This took me by surprise. "But isn't it your date night tonight?", I asked. "Yeah, but this time, you're coming with us.", Jack replied. "And Courtney and Phillip has left James and Juliet with Mom and Dad, so they are coming as well.", Jack smiled. "Ok, where are we going out for tonight.", I asked with a smile.

My siblings and in-laws took me out to the local amusement park and we spend the entire evening together, having fun. We played many games, going on rides, eating some carnival food and winning prizes. Jack and Phillip play basketball hoop shots and Jack is able to win a huge prize. He chose a giant pink stuffed unicorn and gave it to me. "For you, Mia-Doll.", Jack smiled, giving me the unicorn.

I took it and smiled for the first time. "Thanks, Jack.", I smiled. "Come on, let's go home.", Jack smiled. We all then left the amusement park together. A week later, my relatives and I left Los Angeles and flew back to Australia. I even took the giant pink unicorn that Jack won for me to Australia.

That same night, I was in my room, studying late and look at a photo of Grayson, on my night stand and remember those memories that we had together. "I hope you're missing me, like I miss you.", I cried, as I start to break down and cry hysterically, before collapsing onto floor and burying my face away.


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