A Happy Ending

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5 years later, I have graduated from Sydney Uni, have moved back home in Los Angeles and is now a well-known famous author in America. Grayson also graduated from Yale and moved back to Los Angeles. He's know a football coach at our former high school, and train many young man in the football team. Things have changed a lot in 5 years.

Jack and Maria are still together and their daughter, Allegra has attend to her first year at school. Courtney and Phillip are also still together and their twins, James and Juliet are now freshmen in high school. Katie and Josie finished college in Dallas and have respective jobs and are now married to their boyfriends, Elijah and Jason. My two best friends from high school, Margot and Araminta finished college from Korea and Japan and have moved out of the family home, and move in with their boyfriends.

My two best friends from Sydney Uni, Tess and Ali also finished college and have moved back to their hometowns. Robby moves out of Tennessee and moves to New York to be with Tess. But they often visit and kept in touch with me. For Grayson and I were still together since and are living together. We're engaged and have been for a year. Today, we're getting married!

Our wedding is held at See Canyon Fruit Ranch in San Luis Obispo, California which the most beautiful wedding venue of America. Grayson and I have always wanted to get married somewhere in the countryside. My relatives from Australia and France even flew here to see me get married. I was getting ready in my room, with professional hair stylist styling my hair into a simple curls and a make up artist did my make up.

Lyla, who is my maid of honour and Margot, Araminta, Tess and Ali, who are my bridesmaids get ready with me and Lyla and my mom help me get into my wedding dress. Grayson is in his room, getting ready in his suit and style his own hair. Todd, who is his best man and TJ, Antonio, Jason and Elijah who are his groomsmen also get themselves ready too.

As I am almost getting ready to walk down the aisle, my parents come in to check on me. "You look beautiful sweetheart.", Dad sighed. "Thanks, Dad.", I sighed. "We are so proud of you, honey.", Mom smiled. "Thanks, Mom.", I cried, as I hug her with emotions. Soon, all of the guests arrive to the venue and took their seats.

My mom sat down alongside with my older siblings and their spouses and the guests. Lyla and my friends are ready to go down the aisle, while Grayson and I decided to have a first look at each other before the ceremony. Grayson is waiting with his back shown towards me as I walk up to him from behind and gently pat him on the shoulder. He turns around and sees me in my dress for the first time, which he become star-struck.

"Wow!", Grayson cried, which makes me laugh. "Do you like it?", I asked. "I love it, you look so beautiful, babe.", Grayson sighed. "You don't look bad yourself.", I sighed, as I admire his suit. "I love you.", Grayson sighed. "I love you, too.", I smiled. Grayson smiles at my words and we kiss and having a moment alone together before heading our separate ways to the aisle.

Grayson arrives to the altar before me with his best man and groomsmen, while my maid of honour and bridesmaids are waiting to walk down the aisle. I arrive back in time as my dad arrives. "It's time.", Dad replied. Margot, Araminta, Tess and Ali walk down the aisle first and then Lyla. Before Dad and I walk down the aisle together, I had one last talk with Dad.

"Are you sad to give me away?", I asked. "Yes, sweetheart. Like I gave your sisters away on their wedding day.", Dad sighed, as he gently cries. "Don't cry, Dad.", I sighed. "I know. Are you ready for this?", Dad asked. "Yes.", I sighed. Everyone stood up from their seats as Dad and I then walk out down the aisle, hand in hand and I just smile down the aisle, as Grayson smiles back.

After walking down the aisle and get to where Grayson was, Dad hugs and kisses me on the cheek, goodbye before shaking Grayson's hand. "Look after my daughter and take good care of her.", Dad sighed. "I will, Mr Swann.", Grayson smiled. Then Dad left and join my mom and all guests sat back down. Grayson and I then held hands to exchange our vows.

Grayson exchange his vows to me first. "I, Grayson Lee, take you, Amelia Swann to be my lawfully wife, and I do promise and covenant, before God and these witnesses, to be your loving and faithful husband in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live.", Grayson sighed.

Then I exchange my vows to Grayson. "I, Amelia Swann, take you, Grayson Lee to be my lawfully wedded husband, and I do promise and covenant, before God and these witnesses, to be your loving and faithful wife in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live.", I sighed.

When it's time to exchange the rings, Todd then comes up and gives Grayson and I the rings. Grayson took my wedding ring and put it on my finger, and I took his wedding ring and put it on his finger. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.", the celebrant cried. Grayson kisses me and then dips me down, as everyone cheers for us. It was official, Grayson and I are now married!

After officially getting married, Grayson and I are congratulated by our families and guests and then take group photos with our guests and families. We then have our wedding photos taken with our guests at our wedding reception venue. At the reception, we had a three course meal, a first dance and my father-daughter dance with Dad, Todd saying his best man speech, my bridesmaids and maid of honour performing a surprise dance routine and cake cutting.

But the rest of the night, we danced with our friends. After the wedding, Grayson and I left the reception and head to our honeymoon suite, where we made love. After making love, Grayson has dozed off to sleep, while I stayed awake, in his arms, thinking about what will happen next for Grayson and I.

I remember the past memories that Grayson and I had together in the past, like the very first day we met, pretend to be a couple, spending time together, falling in love for real, become an actual couple, having ups and downs and eventually getting married. I'm glad that our love story all started with a fake relationship, and what happens next for us, is the future...


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