Chapter 1

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As we danced, one against the other, my head resting on his shoulder, I felt fulfilled.
Fulfilled with happiness, love and pride .
I was carrying his child, our child.

Today was Maxon's birthday and about a week and a half ago, I found out I was pregnant.
I thought about surprising him and telling him today.
When I took him to the gardens earlier and we sat down, I thought about so much memories.
Our first meeting,
Our first fight,
And now, our first child.

"Listen, I know we have a full night ahead of us, but I wanted to give you your birthday present."
"Oh, darling, you didn't need to get me anything. Every day with you is a gift."
"Well, I hadn't planned on getting you a gift, but then something presented itself, so here we are."
"All right then, I'm ready. Where is it?"
"That's the only problem, it won't actually arrive for another seven or eight months."
"Eight months? What in the world could take . . ."

I still remember his face, when at first, he smiled, not understanding how a present could take eight months to arrive.
This silly smile.
And then, he understood.

First, he didn't say anything. He just kept looking at my stomach and then at me .

I have to admit, that I got scared, that maybe he didn't want to have a child ...
But when I asked him what was he thinking, he looked at me and tears of pride were glistening in his chocolate eyes .

I know Maxon is scared about turning to be like his father.
I know he isn't at all.
He is so generous, gentle and kind. I am certain he will be a perfect father.

Me, on the other hand, I am quite scared of how I will turn out to be.
I love children and I always wanted to have some but still.
What if I can't manage to raise them ?
What if ...

" What are you thinking about darling ?" Maxon asked me.
I didn't need to speak right now about my uncertainty of  becoming a mother.
A mother.
" Well" I started, turning my face to his " I was just thinking about all the things we went through. All the mistakes and beautiful choices we made "
" You know, I feel like that's because of all theses mistakes that we are who we are today."He answered . " We can't go back in time, and even if we could, I wouldn't change anything . I wouldn't want anything to be different now or then ."
He looked at me with these loving eyes.

He is mine .
I am his.

"You're right " I said " I was just thinking about the what if's "
He stared at me, smiling .
" Well, must I tell you my dear that, we could actually change the entire world with what if's"he said, still grinning .

My dear.
Now, I kinda let him call me this way.
Not always though .

The music was perfect.
I had hired a band, which I had met last year, when we were in Carolina with Maxon.
We had travelled across the country to meet our people.
They were, I must admit, delighted about it.

It was very important for us to be aware of the situation of our people in the country .
Of course, I talked about my experiences as a five to Maxon, but I wanted to see how other people were doing.

We had officially dissolved the eights, sevens, sixes and fives castes.
It's  actually really difficult now that we are trying to dissolve the fours .
Eights, sevens and sixes were the easiest, because people really had nothing so they were glad about quitting the castes system first .
The higher we get, the more difficult it becomes.
People who are fours or above, like their life ( especially the twos) and they really don't want to change how things are for them.
They like being rich and in an higher grade than others.
They don't want to be casteless at all.
It felt strange, but good at the same time.
I know it is going to be difficult, but we are ready for it.

The music ended.
Maxon took my hand and lead me out of the dance floor.
" Do you want something to drink, love ?" he asked me.
" I'm okay, thank you ." I said
Marlee, came, walking to us, always smiling :
" Happy birthday Maxon !" she said, embracing him.
" Thank you Marlee. Are you enjoying yourself ?" he asked her
" Oh yes ! The pastries are delicious by the way !" she exclaimed, looking at me.
I laughed a little " Glad you like them. They are Maxon's favorites ." I added
He smiled at me, put his hand on my arm and said " Well, I am sorry to leave you darling , but  these people right here seem like they want to talk to me "
I turned around and saw some of the French guest calling with their hands for Maxon. They always had these hands gestures when they spoke. It was funny.
They must be  getting along with the Italians.
"No problem ." I answered  " I have some good company " I said looking at Marlee.
She giggled.
" See you later " he said, kissing me on the forehead .
I smiled back at him.

While I was looking at him going away to the French guests, putting their arms around his back , even catching a " Happy birthday!", Marlee stared at me and said :
" It's  so obvious when we look at you that you love him more than anything on earth"
I turned around her:
"Same for you and Carter."
She blushed a little at the thought and continued :
" I am really proud of you America ."
" Why so ?" I asked
" Well, I still see you at the airport, wild red hair, bright eyes. You didn't seem innocent at all for me, but I know some people thought differently .
If only they knew you were such a fighter, with a kind soul and that you were going to be such an amazing queen."
I smiled at her.
" From the first time I saw you, I knew we would be friends."
" You were the only one so comfortable with other people !" I added " You came naturally to me, embraced me and presented yourself. I felt good around you at the very beginning."
" Well, maybe I just felt like a welcoming person to you because of the contrast with another one ." she said, smirking.
I laughed, my head titling back.
" Celeste, huh ? She was just awful !" I said
" A real lioness!" Marlee said, simulating claw strokes .
My gaze went down, and I thought about her not being here today.
" I miss her though " I said, a little sad.
" I know you do ." she said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

I told her about Celeste, not being that bad of a person if you really know her, or at least try to.
She was just angry and lonely.
I know she needed a friend more than anything else.

" I am sure she looks at you right now and tells herself  'America' she said simulating her voice 'stop acting like a child please. Argh! I always knew I was the only real lady here !'"
She tried to fake a angry face, which turned out quit hilarious.

I burst out of laughing .

The party went really well.
Everyone was so happy.
Smiling, dancing, laughing, drinking ( I had to check on my mother a few time so she wouldn't do the same thing as last New Year's Eve ).
I was glad Maxon was having a great time and that Marlee enjoyed the food so much.

Everything was or a least seemed perfect.
I know my life wouldn't be a fairy tale.
Maxon and I already argued a few times during these two years of mariage, but at the end we were always together, more and more in love each days .
Every time I saw him smiling, I loved him a little more .
In approximately eight months, there will be three of us .
But now, honestly, the only thing I thought about was going to bed .
I was exhausted.

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