Chapter 43

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Maxon's POV :

It has been more than one week now that America was in a coma.

Her birthday is in a few days.
She is going to be twenty.

I wanted to organize an amazing party, even better than the one she organized for me a few months ago.
But with all the things that happened, I didn't even had time to think about it and now I don't even know if she will be able to celebrate it.

I spent every day next to her : I was working in the hospital room, sleeping in it and eating, if we could say I was eating.

The maids had to force me, because I wouldn't eat the first few days.
I am still not hungry.

The only thing that is in my mind is her.

I called her mother four days ago to tell her America has been saved, her grandchildren were born but now their mother was in an therapeutic coma.

I could hear the worry in her voice when I announced the bad news.

The babies are still in the incubator.
They let me see them, though.

The girl already had a little bit of hair on her head : it was dark brown, like my mother's.
Her eyes were gray, which I was told is the colors of every new born's eyes.

The boy was as cute : we could see a few blond hair on his head.
Like mine.

They are very fragile and had a lot of problems after they were born due to the lack of food during the last two weeks and also, due to their premature state.

I was scared.
Scared to lose every last people I loved.

I couldn't even sleep at night.
I was always making sure I was hearing America's breathing.

My thought were interrupted by a knock on the door.

I raised my head toward the sound of the opening door and saw Aspen standing in front of me.

" Good afternoon, your Majesty." He told me as he closed the door behind him.
" Good afternoon, General." I replied
" I just wanted to make sure you were okay... and that the queen was too." He explained as I mentioned for him to sit down.
" Well I guess we both are." I simply answered
" Some maids told me you didn't want to eat."he started
" The truth is that I'm not even hungry, General." I told him, before he could say more " I am just so worried for her, there is nothing else in my mind... and maybe the babies too..." I said.
" Have you seen them ?" He asked me
" I did. The boy look like me... the girl looks like my mother." I replied, as a weak smile crossed my face.
" And have you found names ?" He asked again
" Actually," I started " America found some. She told me how and which ones before she... well, you know."
" Can I know what they are ? Actually, never mind it's rude of me..." he quickly said.
" No, it's okay. I can tell you : Eadlyn for the girl, which means princess in Persian and Ahren for the boy." I told him
" It's beautiful." Aspen let out.
" Yes, it's really perfect." I replied

We both stopped talking for a moment, having for only sound left America's breathing.
She seemed so peaceful when she slept.

" I feel so guilty." I finally said " For not being able to protect her, for letting her be hurt." I thought at loud.
" But it's not your fault, your Majesty. I know you would do anything for her, and if you could, you would have protected her. America is strong. She will fight for this and she will wake up, I'm sure of it." Aspen reassured me.

I suddenly smiled thinking about all the fights we had.
About all the times she went against the law, fighting for what was good and fair.

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