Gone Girl

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(Pic of Nevaeh)

"WHERE IS SHE?!", I heard my dad's loud and booming voice throughout the house. I automatically think, what did I do now? I hide in my closet until my mom comes in and grabs me by my hair. I yell out in pain as her grips hardens. "You little bitch! I fucking told you to clean the kitchen before we got home, now look. You're gonna pay for this NOW!", my mom says. I shake in fear of what's next. She takes me into the basement again and slaps me hard across the face with the back of her hand. She repeats this over and over again until my cheeks are red and throbing. My dad makes his presence know my punching me hard in the ribs. I fold and scream out for him to stop, but nothing works as he punches me hard in the face."You are a disgrace to human nature, Nevaeh!! No wonder no one loves you or gives two fucks about you!", he spat out. He kicks me once, twice, three times until he's panting. It's then they trade positions and my mom starts at it. I feel lightheaded and my vision starts to slowly fade. I thought it would never end until I felt my mom stop hitting me and my dad gasp. I heard the presence of another female voice. My vision was gone and I was slowly fading away. I was in unbearable pain. This is the end. I know it. Before I faded, I heard the sounds of sirens and seen the face of my Auntie Jasmine telling me to stay with her. Wait, Auntie Jasmine? That can't be. She live in Los Angeles! Yeah, I'm pretty sure that I'm just a Gone Girl.
Thanks for reading my very first chapter of Abused and Unloved!

I know it's pretty short, but the next chapter will be longer, I promise!

I hope you enjoyed it! Back again soon, bye huns:)

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