I'm Ready Now

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I still cannot believe I have a twin sister. It's really cool though, because we can do all of the twin things that twins do. She can even go to work for me when I don't feel like it or if I'm sick! Yeah this is gonna be so cool.

Today, I'm gonna go get coffee and lunch with Katie and Delilah, then the rest of the afternoon/night is gonna be just me and Asher. I haven't really spent some alone time with him, but with everything that had happened this week, who would? Tonight is supposed to be special anyways, so hopefully it'll make up for lost time. I went to my closet and pulled out a long galaxy skirt out and a crop top with some silver sandals. I decided that I should take a shower. I got in the shower and realized I was out of dove body wash. Damn it! I guess I have to use the Ocean Breeze one until I buy more dove.

I wrapped the towel around me and got out. I pulled on my lacy galaxy boy shorts and the matching bra. "Ooo that's a nice view from where I'm standing babe!" "AHHH! Asher don't do that shit no more! You scared the living daylight out of me!" I yelled. Who does he think he is coming up in here scaring people. "Woaah babe I'm sorry. I'm a boy, what do you expect me to do when I see you bent over like that with that sexy underwear on?!" he said smirking. "Hmm I don't know, how about let your presence be know?" I snapped. "Oh I'll let my presence be known next time, for sure." he said once again smirking. "Haha very funny." I said laughing but immediately stopped and covered my body. I seen the way Asher's facial expression dropped as he walked over to me and picked me up.

"How many times have I told you how beautiful you are with your scars and to not be ashamed of them? A million times. In my eyes, your beauty is everlasting. You never fail to make me swoon and other things...." he said biting his lips. No, no, no this cannot happen right now. Touching and kissing leads to a whole other thing. "Thanks babe. Now if you don't mind, Delilah and I were just heading out to get Katie and go out for a while. Remember, our time is tonight." I said smirking at him now. "Noooo do you have to go? You could always just stay here with me while we umm, yunno do girlfriend/boyfriend things!" he said pouting. Awee that's to cute. "Nice try babe, but no you're not getting laid. Go hang out with some of your guy friends, we will be together later tonight. Now go! Let me get dressed!" I said pecking him on his lips then kicking him out.

"Delilah?! You ready?" I called out from the living room. "Yeah! Be down in a sec!" she yelled back. "Would ya look at that! We have time to make out!!" Asher said and before I could speak or react, I was scooped up and placed on the kitchen counter. He started kissing me all over and did I stop it? Nah. His hand slid up under my shirt and made its way up to my boobs. Woww that feels weird. "Vaeh, I'm all re- WOAH PDA people!" Delilah yelled. "Fuck! I'm sorry we were just, I umm.. yeah let's just go" I stuttered out. "You are sooo paying for this you bastard." I whispered to Asher who was just sitting there laughing.

**2 hours later**

"So Katie, how have you been lately ever since..." Delilah asked Katie. "Well, yunno I've been holding up good enough. He knew I was carrying his child, but I guess he just wasn't man enough to take responsibility for what he and I created together. But, it's okay. I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Katie said back. She sounded a little annoyed, but who wouldn't be when they're talking to the person they ex-boyfriend cheated on them with? I sure as hell would.

"Hey, are you guys ready to head back? I kinda have something special planned with Asher tonight." I said dismissing they're convo. "Sure! But what's so special about tonight?" Katie asked smirking, Delilah was also smirking. Oh hell, I'm gonna have to tell them... "Well, I'm kinda embarrassed to say it.."I muttered back. "Oh come on, you act like you guys are having sexy time tonight or something!" Delilah responded. My red facial expression gave it all away. "No way! Are you really gonna...?" Katie said back smiling. I just face palmed myself and groaned. "Awee little Vaeh's not gonna be a virgin anymore!" Katie said squeeling. "Shh Katie shut the fuck up will you? People are starting to stare!" I yelled then slapped her hard across her arm.

When she does something like that again in public, I'm gonna reach all the way down to my ankles and swing my hand back around to slap every bit of brain activity she has left in her fat ass head. "Oww that hurt you bastard!" She screeched in pain. "Well keep your damn mouth shut!" I spat back. "Whatever. Anyways, tonight has to be special! Let's go to Victoria Secret really fast!" Katie said and yanked my arm. This girl got some nerve.

*An hour later*

After we left Victoria Secret, Delilah decided she wanted to stay with Katie and get to know her better. That's good, Asher and I kinda need privacy. Katie made me get this ridiculous lingerie set that I might not even wear, but then again who knows?

Okay, Asher will be back here in about 45 minutes. That should be enough time for me to get ready right? The thing is, Asher doesn't know that I've set tonight as the night for us to.....yunno. I feel as if I'm ready for this now. When he arrives, I'll be laying on my bed with this lingerie set on and candles lit everywhere. I'm excited, but scared too. It's a part of life though right?

I got into the shower, showered with my new dove body wash and put scented lotion on. I put on the lingerie set and wrapped myself up in a long, stringy sweater. I can't believe now is the time.
"Vaeh? Are you here?" Asher yelled out. Oh shit, oh shit. "In here babe!" I yelled out with a shaky voice. I'm nervous.

"Hey I've missed you all d- oh shit!" He said with his mouth hanging open. I had to laugh. I laugh a lot when I'm nervous. "Asher, I've waited this long, but I'm ready now. I want you in a new kind of way now. That's only if you want me too." I said nervously. He began to undress, seeing as to what I was getting at. I laid back as he positioned himself between my legs. "Vaeh, we don't have to do this. I want this. I really do, and there's no one I would rather be with right here, right now. But like I've told you, there's no rushing. I can keep it in my pants for a little longer, I promise." He responded. "No. I'm ready now." I simply replied back. "Okay then. Just tell me if I'm hurting you and I'll stop right away." I just nodded my head.

He slowly eased into me. Oww fuck that hurts. "Am I hurting you?" he asked worriedly. "No. It just stings and burns a little. But it's fine." I said back. "Okay. Just alert me when I'm hurting you." he said back as he continued to go deeper. This feels weird, but good at the same time.

The room mixed with my moans and his groans and the smell of sweat. It's a new feeling for me. There was a deep squeezing in my stomach that I have NEVER felt before and it feels too good. Ooo hell. We both reached our climaxes and he got off of me. I just laid there. I am officially not a virgin anymore. Wow. I feel this weird feeling of....emptiness deep in my stomach, but that's the best thing I've ever felt and I couldn't have feel more love for Asher than I feel now. That really made me tired. I cuddled into Asher and we just fell asleep that way. This just shows our love for each other in a better way and more filling way. I'm ready for whatever now.



First I just wanna say that I'm sorry for saying I was gonna update one day and actually didnt. But yunno, things come up and get in the way. Sorry!!

This chapter was REALLY weird to write..... I wasn't gonna even add a scene like that in this book, but it is all a part of life. This is like one of those 'lessons learned' books, so there will be many more weird things I have to write. Ughh.

I hoped you enjoyed this weird chapter;) bye!!!

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