It's Over Now

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(Pic of Auntie Jasmine)

I woke up to the sounds of music blasting in the room over from mines. My first instinct was to get up and go downstairs for a glass of water. As I was walking down, I bumped into something hard, which felt like a body. "Watch where you're going!" the guy said. "How about you watch where you're going?" I yelled back. He rolled his eyes and said "Yeah, I'll do that whenever you find yourself a different family. Names Asher btw." he spat out. With that being said, I ran off back to my room, sunk to the floor and began sobbing.
I sat down on my bed next to Chelsea, where we had just finished a little fore play. We haven't decided to take it all the way yet, but that's okay. She was tapping away on her phone when she faced my way. "Babe, I have something to tell you. Please don't be mad." she said. "What's wrong?" I said, worry filling my voice. "I slept with Chase. We've been together for a few months and he makes me happy. I know that he's your best friend, but what did you expect? He's hot! But, yeah I gotta go. Sorry.." she left my house on that note. I can't believe this. I need to punch something, or someone. Named Chase. To ease my mind, I cranked up the radio loudly. I was heading downstairs to get me a drink, an actual drink, such as wine, when something ran into my chest making me wince slightly. "Watch where you're going!" I said. "How about you watch where you're going?" she yelled back. Oh, so this must be Nevaeh, the one dad has told me about. "Yeah, I'll do that whenever you find a different family. Names Asher btw." I spat out. After I said that, I saw the flash of hurt across her face. I'm not a bad guy, I was just angry. My girlfriend just confessed her affair with my best friend for crying out loud!! She ran off crying. My mind was all over the place. I just hurt her feelings. I didn't try to. I had to apologize.
I knocked on her door, where I heard her crying loudly. I've been knocking for like 5 minutes! Did I really hurt her that bad? I was just standing there when the door opened. "If you're here to make me feel like shit again, feel free to go away." She said, tears still streaming. Great. I feel like a jerk. I walked in her room, looking the same way it always has. Dull and simple. "I'm here to apologize. My girlfriend just broke up with me. Confessing she had an affair with my best friend. I didn't mean to be rude to you. I hope you can forgive me." I said. "I forgive you, but that still isn't an excuse for you to have said that to me. I'm sorry to hear about your relationship. I'm Nevaeh." she said. "Let me reintroduce myself. I'm Asher. I go to Los Angeles High School, where you should be joining me. I play football and am now currently single." I said as we both chuckled slightly. It was until now that I realized the huge bruise on her jaw. I know that she was abused, but I didn't know who had done it, and why her parents didn't try to stop it. We spent the next few minutes talking about our favorite foods and snacks. Having her here will be fun. As we dropped to a silence, I stared at her for a few seconds. Wow. She's beautiful.


Asher and I had became friends. He apologized and he was really nice and sweet. I knew he was truly sorry. We sat talking and when we dropped to a deafening silence, I had forgot all about my past. I didn't care. All I cared for at the moment was how Asher was looking at me. There was a light twinkling in his eyes. He's gorgeous.
Hey, hope you liked this chapter!

So, I went back into chapter one to add a picture of Nevaeh there. You can go to chapter one, then swipe past the book cover picture and it'll be there!

I'll update again today, just cause I have nothing else to do haha:)

Byeee *kissy face*

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