Spitting Image

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Katie and I were just standing there. Again, WTF? Standing in front of me was a spitting image of me. Like literally, this girl was me! Tf? Is this some kind of sick joke? "My name is Delilah. Nevaeh, I'm your sister. Your twin sister." she said. "Are you kidding me? You can't be for real can you? I've never had a sister. I'm an only child!" I can't believe this. "Well, now you know that's not true. Can I come in? I have a lot of explaining to do." Delilah said. Damn well you do! Katie had been mute this entire time. I'm glad she's here right now, cause if she weren't I'm pretty sure I'd be passed out now.

We sat down at the table. Delilah pulled out a big huge envelope. She started pulling out pictures of her and I when we were first born. How the hell did she get those? "Our mom, Samantha, gave my adoptive parents these pictures when they adopted me. I was adopted after birth. I always wondered why they gave me up. Maybe they couldn't handle 2 children. When my adoptive parents told me this news, I didn't believe them. That was until I came looking for you, and I found you. I know that none of this is easy. Hell it's hard for me also, but I know that we can get through this." she explained. Wow. She's for real. This is my twin sister.

"I'm gonna leave now and give you two some time alone. By vaeh. Love you!" Katie said giving me a hug as she left. "So, you're telling me that we are sisters? Like, blood related sisters?"I asked sounding a little slow. "No shit sherlock. We are indeed blood sisters!" She said making me laugh. I think I could get along with her. "Do you have anywhere to stay? Where have you come here from?" I asked her.

"I came here from New York, NY. No, I don't have anywhere to stay. Well, I've been living in a hotel until I could finally find you. I was in forever 21 whenever you applied for a job. I don't know how you never noticed me. That guy, is he your friend?" She asked. "Yeah, he's my boyfriend. You can live here in the guest room for however long you need to. We just need to introduce you to the family. Anyways, are you seeing anyone here in Los Angeles?" I asked her. This is going good. I'm still shocked though. I feel like I'm sitting across from a mirror just talking to myself.

"Actually, I am. His name is Jason and he's such an amazing guy! I met him 2 weeks ago and we've been dating ever since then." She said. What a minute hold up! Jason? Katie's boyfriend/ father of her unborn child? I saw pictures of him and Katie together, but never really seen him. "Oh really? Can you describe him?" I asked wanting to hopefully prove myself wrong. "Sure! He's tall, a brunette, blue eyes and is really manly and muscular. He's everything I've ever wanted." She describe. Oh fuck no! This ain't happening. Not in my house. Who tf does he think he is doing that to my sister and my bestfriend? I'm finna tell her too instead of keeping it hidden from her. Katie is gonna be so heartbroken, but better to tell her now. I don't want to risk our friendship all because I knew something like this and didn't say nothing. Good thing Jason has never really seen me. For all he knows, I'm a brunette. That's all.

"Do you know that girl that just left?" I asked her. "Umm, Katie?" She asked. "Yeah her. I'm just gonna say that from what I heard about the Jason that you are seeing, he-" "Delilah?" I heard a voice behind me say to Delilah. "Woah, holy fuck! There's two of you!" Ahh so this must be Jason. "You shut the fuck up. So, Jason. When were you gonna tell Katie you had another girlfriend?" I said getting red and angry. "Hey what's going on in- oh shit! Nevaeh?" Asher said looking to me and to Delilah back and forth. "Not now Asher! I'll explain later." I said.

"I-I I was gonna-" "Save it Jason! You are a ungrateful bastard. Doing that to Katie when you FUCKING KNOW EVERYTHING SHE'S GOING THROUGH! Get lost you manwhore and you better stay the hell away from Katie or I'll cut your manhood off and make you deep throat it! Get the fuck outta here!" I yelled pushing him out the front door.

"Delilah, I'm so sorry that had to happen that way. You nor Katie should have been treated that way. Now, we have some explaining to do to this dude over here with his mouth hanging open." I said. "It's fine. Good thing I didn't fall for him or anything. We'd only been dating for two weeks. Oh well." She said shrugging it off.


We explained everything to Asher. He couldn't believe it neither! Now, he better know which is me and which is Delilah cause I've read those twin stories where the boyfriend gets the twins mixed up and sleeps with the other one. No, no, no not under this roof! Katie knows everything that happened and I feel bad for her. She's here with me now crying her eyes out. Jason is a complete jack ass for that. He just abandoned her with her unborn child. Yes she's going to keep it and yes I'm going to help her take care of her baby.

Auntie Jasmine pulled into the driveway. "Delilah, Auntie Jasmine is here. It's time." I said getting delilah. We walked arm in arm downstairs. Auntie Jasmine opened the front door, walked to the dining room, and froze on the spot. "Delilah," Auntie Jasmine said with tears in her eyes. Wait, she already knows? "How did you, where did you, what?" Auntie Jasmine said struggling to find the correct words.

Delilah looked the same amount of confused as I did. "I was there during the birth of you girls. I took pictures of you both. I was also there when they gave you up for adoption. It was the hardest time of all of our lives. When I had seen the way you two held onto each others little fingers, I knew the wrong decision was being made. Your parents didn't want two girls. When they saw that they were having two girls, they gave one of you away and kept trying for a boy. I figure that they were upset because they were unable to have another child, so they took all of their anger out on you Nevaeh. I didn't think you two would meet again, so I didn't say anything because I knew you wouldn't believe me Nevaeh." Auntie Jasmine said in tears already.

"Auntie Jasmine, it's okay." Delilah and I both said at the same time making all three of us laugh. Asher, along with little Skylar and Austin came into the house. "Daddy look!! There's two Vaeh's!" Skylar said. Auntie Jasmine gave Austin a 'I'll explain later' look as he just smiled and Asher came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"How about we all go and have In 'N Out burger for dinner?" Auntie Jasmine said. "Yayy!" Skylar squeeled. Today sure has been one long and crazy day, I know that for sure.


Heeey peeps!

Crazy right? Ooo this is only the beginning, so don't think that this is it! Hehe;)

Until next time, bye suggaas!

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