I'm So Happy, Not.

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(Pic of house to the side)

Not guilty. They were found not guilty. I felt like I was about to pass out as the tears started flowing. I couldn't control the tears anymore. It's like my whole life is based on crying. I heard shouts and my lawyer yelling that this is complete bs. I didn't even care anymore. I just wanted to leave. How can they sit there knowing what they did and then be let off not guilty? The restraining order was put in place and that when my auntie jasmine and I got up to leave. I took one last look at the people I called my parents. They had a look in their eyes giving me some kind of warning. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

***3 hours later***

Auntie Jasmine and I were sitting quietly on the plane. I had no feeling left. Auntie Jasmine gave my thigh a soft squeeze as she gave me a sad smile. I know this has to be hard for her, too. Seeing her only other sister being set free for abusing me. She was angry with my mother and said she didn't want to speak to her ever again, and that they'd be hearing from her lawyer. There was still a sharp pain in my sides. My doctor told me to take it easy and lay low when I get to my new home. I felt the plane landing and come to a stop. We got off and are greeted my a young man, looks like he's in his early 30's, like auntie jasmine. Is this her- "Jasmine!" the man said as he came up and smashed his lips to Auntie Jasmine's.

Woah, PDA people! He was quite handsome, for her though. "How did it go?" As they started having a conversation. I think they forgot I was standing here, that is until Auntie Jasmine looked over to me and said, "Austin, this is Neveaeh. Nevaeh this is Austin." "Nice to meet you Nevaeh. It's going to be a pleasure having you here with my wife and my 2 children." he said as him and auntie jasmine exchanged smiles. Wife? Did I miss a wedding or something? I feel so old. "Thanks for having me." I muttered. We got into the car, and they handed me a phone. I've always wanted one. "Here. Take this and call whenever you need anything. We are your family now. You belong with us, and we are going to take good care of you." Austin said as he handed me a black iPhone 6+ along with ear buds and a charger. "You don't have to give me this. I don't plan on going anywhere and I probably won't have friends." I whispered,  hoping they didn't hear the last part. They did. "You shouldn't say things like that. Don't let your past keep you from enjoying the future that you are going to have." Auntie Jasmine said.

We pulled up outside of a huge house surrounded by sand and the beach. I felt like we were at some celebrity house, which bring another question to me head. "Auntie Jasmine, where are we?" I breathed out. "We're home sweetie. Do you not like it." Auntie Jasmine said. "No! I love it. It's perfect." I exclaimed. Words couldn't begin to describe how I was feeling right now.

When we got inside, my breath was taken away. I'm not gonna go into details, but woah. It's was huge. Everything was shiny and looked good as new. As I continued walking, a little body wrapped their arms around my waist and gave me a strong hug. I winced quietly because my sides were still sore. "Mommy! Daddy! I have a big sissy now!!! Yayyy! We're gonna play dollies and dress up! I'm so happy yayy yay yay!!" the little blond haired girl said. She looks just like Austin, so this must be his daughter. "Be careful, Kenzie. Nevaeh is hurting baby." Austin said sternly. "Yes daddy." Kenzie said. Austin showed me to my new room. Wow, I feel bad all of a sudden. I'm greeted by a walk in closet, a bathroom with a walk in shower, and a king sized bed. I feel bad that they've spent this much on me. I've never had someone care so much. "You guys don't have to do this for me. I am intruding on your lives, making you spend money on me all because I was unwanted. Seriously, you don't have to act like you care." I said too fast and all at once.

"Nevaeh, we care. This isn't some act. You are family now and will be treated as family. I want you to get some rest and then we'll go out for dinner. How does that sound?" Auntie Jasmine said. Sleep. That sounds good. "Okay. Thank you for everything Austin and Auntie jasmine. With that being said, I crawled under the covers and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Hope you guys liked this chapter!

See ya soon, bye huns:)

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