Can't Go Back

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(Pic of Asher)

I don't know how long Asher and I stayed awake for, but it gave me this feeling of being at home. He always did weird things to me when he smiled. I know that I only just got here and we barely know each other, but I think I'm developing a little crush. Yes, little. Not so big. I'm usually not the type of girl who goes all crazy for a guy just because if their looks. His personality is what makes me all getty. Today, Auntie Jasmine and I were going to go get ice cream and then a little shopping because I don't have many clothes here. I like to think that my body is perfect. Sure, I'm skinny, maybe a little too skinny, and I have a nice bikini body, but I hide my body because of the discussing bruises that are still there. Some scars are on show also. My jaw has healed a little, but is still hurting. "Such a beautiful day to go to the beach, isn't it?" Auntie Jas said, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yea, it is." I said.

I've slowly started to get my life back together. It's been nice having them around. We pulled up at the local mall. As we went in, I saw lots of teenagers having a good time. Auntie Jasmine was talking, but I wasn't sure if she was talking to me, until I turned around and seen some woman she was talking to. As they were talking, two teenage girls were looking my way and talking. My heart rate sped up as they came closer to me. "Hi! You're really pretty. Are you new here or something?" the blonde girl said. "Me? Are you talking to me?" I said, completely fazed. "Yea, you silly! I'm Katie, and this is Jessie. We go to Los Angeles High School and we are juniors. What's your name?" Katie said. "I'm Neveah. I am joining your school on Monday, that'll be my first day." I stated, not knowing what else to say. "That's awesome! Are you also a junior?" Jessie said this time, her voice slightly louder than Katie's. "Yea, I'm a junior." I muttered. "Then yaaas we will have classes together!" Katie said, adding "do you want to shop with us?" Part of me wanted to say know, and I was going to until Auntie Jasmine came to us.

"I see you've made yourself some new friends! What are their names?" Auntie Jasmine said. I was about to talk, until Katie started talking. I see she's the outgoing one. "I'm Katie and this is Jessie. We were wondering if Nevaeh could join us in shopping?" "That doesn't sound too bad. I was just about to head over to eat lunch with my old friend Stephanie. Here Nevaeh, take some cash and buy whatever you need." Auntie Jasmine said handing me a wad of cash. Woah, I know I need clothes, but this could buy me 2 whole new wardrobes! I took it though, without complaining.

I went shopping with Jessie and Katie, and it wasn't that bad. I went home with heaps of clothes and I still have left over cash for the movies tonight with Katie and Jessie. Yea, that's right. My first two official friends. We're gonna go to the beach at 2pm tomorrow, then chill at my house until 8pm which is the time the movie starts. We're going to see some scary movie Katie is dragging us to. Better I get some sleep, got a long day ahead tmw!

I woke up at 1:30pm! Wow, was I really that sleepy? Oh god, Katie's gonna kill me! I was supposed to go to the beach with them today! But, I guess I really don't care since the beach is awfully close to my house. I hopped out of bed and got dressed. I put on a blue chevron patterned two piece swimsuit with a pair of small diamond studs and some flip flops. I packed my bag with my beach towel, sunscreen, and money. I put my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my car keys and house key. I then headed downstairs where I seen Asher. Once he looked at me, his mouth was hung open, he was staring at me up and down. There goes the butterflies again.


I was making me a sandwich and listening to quiet music when I heard footsteps and car keys. Is dad home? No, he doesn't get off of work until around midnight, so does Jasmine. When the person made her appearance, my mouth flung open and I was speechless. "Ne-Nevaeh" I said stuttering. "You!" I said as I saw the light blush on her face. She was wearing a bikini that hugged her body in all the right places. "Where are you going?" I said. "I'm going to meet my boyfriend, Mr. Daddy. If that's fine with you." she joked. Boyfriend? I felt a little angry as she said that. I mean, it's not like I care. We aren't together. "I'm just kidding! No need to get your panties in a twist. I'm going to go to the beach with Katie in Jessie. I gotta go, see you later!" she said, blowing me a sloppy kiss. That girl is gonna be the actual death of me.


I hope you guys have enjoyed my book so far. It's my first book and if you feel like I need to do anything different, private message me. I do shout outs and I'm exited that so many people have already read my book! Just to let you know, this is book one of a series I'm creating. There will be 3 books total! Look forward to all sorts of things!

Ooo looks like we got some crushin' going on! Ha ha

Til' next time, bye sugar pies;)

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