A Good Day, Or So We Thought

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Ready for this update (s)? *cough that was a hint cough*


"You aren't worth my money, my time, hell you aren't even worth the days that you are given. They say everyday is a blessing, but in your case, it isn't. You aren't even a blessing, you're a curse! I should've gotten rid of your ungrateful, unloved ass a long time ago!" My Dad yelled in my face. "I hate you, you ugly little cunt! That's all you are and that's all you'll ever be! You know what? I'm gonna beat you in a new sort of way. Get ready to taste this broom!" She raised the broom up in the air then-

"AHHHH!" I woke up screaming. I couldn't catch my breath. "Babe, babe what's wrong?!" Asher said getting up beside me and wrapping his arms around me. I just cried in his arms as he held me. "I had..a..dream..about..my parents...abusing me..and saying.. things" I said in between sobs. "Shhh it's okay babe. They're gone and they won't get to hurt you anymore. I'm here, we're here. Just shhhh and relax." he said brushing my hair with his hand.

I finally stopped crying, but I couldn't fall back asleep. Asher was still up with me, too. "You know you don't have to stay up with me. I'll be fine." I said quietly. "I know I don't have to, but I want to." he said back. "How did I ever get so lucky to get a guy like you?" I said turning towards him. "I don't know." he said laughing. "Shut up." I said nudging him. "Hey, I know what could put you in a better mood!" He said smirking. "Oh and what is that?" I said playing 'hard to get'. "Lemme show you" he said and before I could reply, my feet were yanked and my thighs were nudged apart by Asher's knees.

I'm on the pill, so it was fine that he didn't wrap it up. I swear it hurts all over again on the second time. I didn't really get much sleep because after the second time, Asher felt like it wasn't time to stop yet. He's just like those horny teenage boys in the movies!

Today, I was gonna drag Asher along with me to go shopping at the mall and maybe grab a coffee or ice cream. Today's just gonna be neutral and right now, Asher might be carrying me around. "Asherrrrr, are you prepared to carry me around all day today? Because yunno, I kinda can't walk now." I said as we were getting in the car. "Well, get used to that feeling because right now, I'm already ready for you babe, and those shorts and crop top isn't helping at all. Did I mention how hot you look?" he said. I just smirked and tease him by putting my hand on his thigh and slowly going up, but moving my hand every time I got closer to his manhood. "Babe, stop or all of these people here at the stoplight with us will get a free show." he warned me.

"Oo yeah? I bet they'd like that." I said. "You are one dirty girl, Vaeh." he said flashing me that big heart-warming smile with those dimples. "I love your smile babe." I said smiling really hard. "Not as much as I love yours." he said back.

A few seconds later, we arrived at the mall. "Soooo, where shall we go first?" he said. "Build-A-Bear!!!" I shouted. "No way. I'm not doing that girly stuff." he said. "Pweaseeee pwetty pwease?" I said in my best baby voice. "Ughh fine." he said. "I love you babe." I said.

After we made our bear, we gave her a name. Her name is Kierstan (pronounced qeer-stan) Danielle Kavanaugh. "Aww our first 'baby'" I said. "Yeah, yeah. What's up with girls and their fantasies?" he said. "Oh be quiet you suck up." I

We went to the jewelry store close by and Asher was being all weird. "Yunno, I wanna get you another promise ring." I told Asher. It is something I've thought about. "But isn't it too late for that now?" he asked making the lady behind the desk chuckle. "Asher!!!" I said slapping him in the arm. "Ow!" he screeched holding his arm. "There are people around!" I said. "Oh it's fine. We get people worse than that. They actually go into detail about what they do in their bed." the lady said. "Yuck, they some weirdos." I said. "Yeah, let's go get food now. I'm starving!" Asher said grabbing his stomach.

We went to the In-N-Out burger across the street. As I was eating, my phone started to ring. "Hello?" "Vaeh!! I need you now! Get over here NOW!!!!!" Katie yelled on the other end. "Wait, Katie I need you to tell me-" she hung up. "Babe, we gotta go NOW." I told Asher. "Is everything okay?" he asked looking worried. "I have no idea, but we have to get to Katie's ASAP" I said.

We got in the car and made it to Katie's. I ran up to her room and knocked on the door. I heard crying, like really loud crying and I just broke down the door. "Oh my goodness Katie!" I yelled. There was blood everywhere and Katie was just sitting there crying. "Everything I've been waiting for, everything that I've wanted has been taken away from me now. The little piece of him that I had left is all gone!" She cried into my chest. Asher came up and picked Katie up and carried her to the ambulance. When did he call them? They took Katie to the hospital and we followed behind them.

When we got there, we had to wait like 2 hours because Katie was sleeping and on meds. "Asher, let me just talk with her. Will you go by our house and get her a change of clothes? Just look in my closet." I said. "Sure. Just call me if you need or want anything and I'll be here." he replied. "Thanks. I love you babe." I said. "I love you too. See you later" he said giving me a kiss that made my legs feel like jelly.

I went in and sat next to Katie. "How are feeling?" I asked. That was dumb for me to ask that, clearly I know how she's feeling. "I feel terrible. I just....I just remember going to make food, then I got a little lightheaded and I went to the toilet and I felt a warm liquid between my thighs and I knew that my baby was..." she started crying and I kicked off my shoes and got under the covers with her and just held her.

"No matter what, I'm gonna stay here with you. I will tell everyone else to go away and we can stay here just like this for however long you want. Katie, I'm here for you." I said as I rubbed her head and let her fall asleep.



I am terribly sorry for taking 3 years to update, but I'm back now and I already have chapters that I'm going to finish and then publish them all together.

Sorry for the long title!!

Until next time, love you guys!

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