Junior Prom Already?

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(Neveah's Prom Outfit)

I woke up with this feeling of emptiness this morning. Is that how it's supposed to feel the morning after? I don't even know. I think so.... But, I feel happy and also sore but I'll get over it. I know that Asher wasn't a virgin before, but he says he feels like he lost his virginity for the right reason this time. I was totally fine with him not being a virgin before. He didn't know me and I didn't know him, so I wasn't sure of what happened before me and I don't wanna know.

I can't believe that prom is already here for us. It feels like I only just came here yesterday. It isn't Asher's prom, but he's gonna be my date. At his prom, I'll be his date for sure, so I'll attend 2 proms. Yayyy! I thought I'd go to Starbucks to get us coffee and then pick us up breakfast. I don't think I'll be going anywhere or doing anything until it's time for me to prepare for prom. Katie's gonna be doing all of that for me though.

I grabbed my hoodie, a pair of jeans, my car keys, my phone, and wallet. I found a sticky note and a pen and left a note for Asher just in case he wakes up and I'm not here. As I was walking downstairs, my phone started ringing. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Vaeh if you and Asher are all finished up now, can I come home? I'm missing my bed and my charger too." Delilah said on the other end. "Uh yeah sure. Do you need me to pick you up?" I asked. "No, I just want you to make me walk." she sarcastically said back. "Okay!" I said about to hang up. "No I'm just kidding stop playing so much!" she yelled through the phone. "Yeah that's what I thought. Be there in about 5 minutes. Bye!" I said hanging up.

I decided to just pick Lilah up first then go and get breakfast since she'll be hungry too. I honked the horn a few times and then Lilah came running out looking like she needed a cup of coffee. Maybe two. "What's wrong with your hair? You look like you haven't had sleep in ages!" I asked. "Shut up. I haven't gotten any sleep. Katie thought it was a good idea to stay up late and watch sad, romantic movies all night and cry. I know that things are hard on her now that she's expecting a little bundle of...joy but she needs you more." She said. "That sucks. Next time I'll just let you guys stay at our house." I said. "And hear you Asher all night? No thanks I'm good." She said laughing. "Whatever."

We pulled up at Starbucks and ordered two Vanilla Bean Frappuccinos for Lilah and I and Asher a black coffee. How he drinks that is beyond me. "What shall we get for breakfast?" I asked honestly not knowing where to go. "McDonald's!" Lilah screamed out. I'm actually starting to like that nickname I made for her. "Ooo that does sound good right now!" I said. I drove over to McDonald's. "Welcome to McDonald's how may I take your order?" the person asked. "Hi! May I have 3 morning breakfast platters and extra syrup on the side?" I basically yelled to the worker. "Yes ma'am is that all you will be having today?" "Yeah thanks." Lilah butted in and said. "Okay your total will be 10.48 at the first window." Seeing that no one was in front of me, I went up.

"So, have you met anyone yet?" I asked Lilah. "Yeah I actually have!" she said. "Who?" "Well, his name is Josiah and he's really cute and sweet. He asked me to prom tonight so you'll see him." She said. "Are you sure it's Josiah? I've never heard someone with that name in our school." I told her. "I'm sure I'm not dating Casper, vaeh." Her and this sarcastic tone gone get her popped.

We pulled up at home. "About time!" Lilah said. "Whatever. I don't drive that slow. Here grab the drinks." I said.

We made our way inside and Lilah took her food and drink then went to her room and locked her door. Wow was she that eager to get home? I grabbed me and Asher's food. I got into the room and saw the bed empty. I looked at the sheets and seen that new ones were replaced. Thanks Asher. Where is Asher?

I heard shower water running and figured he must be in there. You know I could use a shower too. I though I'd surprise him and join him. I stripped out of my clothes and opened the bathroom door. I opened the shower door and seen a gorgeous body standing there. He still hasn't noticed me.... I cleared my throat. He looked my way and his eyes were wide as saucers when he seen me. "Oh get over yourself. You act like you haven't seen me naked before. Scoot over!" I said as I climbed in. Ooo that water feels nice. "Vaeh what would I do without you?" Asher whispered into my ear. "I have no idea." I said as I turned around to face him.

It's moments like this that make you appreciate what you have. We kissed multiple times and then we took turns showering each other. When we saw that we were getting wrinkly, we got out.
Asher wrapped me up in a towel and carried me bridal style to the bed. "Someone has to get beautiful for prom" he said. "Someone else has to get sexy for prom" I said back making him blush. "Did I just see you blush?!" I said. He just smirked and put me down. "I love you." I said. "I love you more babe." He said back.


It's been 2 hours and Katie still hasn't finished my hair. "Be still please! I'm almost done! This hairstyle has to be perfect!" Ughhhh. "Okay dang I'm all done!" She said. She turned me around and wow. My hair really was beautiful. It was tied up really pretty with little diamonds everywhere. "Time for your dress now!!!" Katie said. She is too excited. She was gonna wear the same dress as me, but instead hers is red and mines is purple.

I put my dress on and it was beautiful. I also put on my nude pumps and all of my jewelry. There was a knock on the door. Asher set Katie up with one of his friends. "Our dates are here! I'll get it!" Katie said. Ooo she working my nerves. I grabbed my little silver handbag and made my way downstairs. Oh. My. Gawd. Asher looks...... I can't even explain. The way he's looking at me is the same way I'm looking at him. "Vaeh you look.... almost perfect." What? "What do you-" "Shhh just let me finish." He pulled his hands from behind his back and oh my goodness it was breathtaking. It was a diamond tiara. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. He place it into my head. "Asher, I can't even-" "Shh this night's only just begun." He said as he escorted me to the limo. Katie seemed to be enjoying her date too. I see the way they're looking at each other.
**2 hour later**

"Wow my legs are so sore!" I said as me and Katie sat for a minute. All we've been doing is dancing since we got here. A slow song came on finally. Jeremy, Katie's date, came over. "Mind if I take her away?" He asked. "Nope she's all yours." I said then winked at Katie. "May I have this dance Ma'lady?" Asher said bowing down to me. "Why yes you can, master." I said back. As we were dancing in silence, Asher started to speak. "Vaeh, you do crazy things to me. You make me nervous and you make me feel as if a girl as beautiful as you doesn't deserve-" "Shh Asher. Don't talk like that. There's no one else that I'd be with right here and right now. I love you and only you. Nothing will change." I said. "I just love you." He said then kissed me.

We grabbed Katie and Jeremy and told them we were gonna head home early. They decided to stay back. Asher and I changed out of our beauty clothes and just cuddled and made out. This was all I wanted. We didn't even have to go to prom. This right here is just perfect. Perfect.


Heeey! Sorry for not updating sooner.

Yeah, I know this is a looong one, but I owe it to y'all. I've decided that there will be at least 5 more chapters after this, but this will be a series, so don't worry. Be happy:)

Byeee honey's! ;)

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