Asher's POV

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I pulled up outside of my house with food and flowers for Vaeh. She's gonna be so excited when I give her the flowers. Red roses are her favorite. I walked into the house with a huge grin on my face, only to see Delilah and Katie with sad and worried looks on their face. It took me a few seconds to realize vaeh wasn't with them.

"Where's Vaeh?" I asked Delilah and Katie. "She's upstairs. You need to get up there now." Delilah said. Worry instantly covered my whole face. I dropped everything and ran upstairs. I opened the bedroom door and seen Vaeh cornered up and I heard quiet sobs. I sat next to her and asked her what was wrong. She turned around and pulled out a manilla folder and took 2 pictures out. I felt the blood drain from my face and my eyes water up.

"You're pregnant?" I asked her. Her crying got harder and she started to shake. I just held her and when I pulled back, I knew she was confused. "You're not upset?" She asked with tears still falling. "How can I be upset? Upset is far from what I am. I'm excited, worried, and scared. Three babies? Not one, not two, but three babies. But we'll get through this." I said kissing her and holding her more. "But I still have my senior year to get through. What will people think of me?" she said still crying. "Who gives a fuck what they think? I sure as hell don't and you shouldn't either." I said to her. I saw a little smile go across her face as she slowly stopped crying.

"There's what I've been waiting to see. I wanna see you smiling everyday for the rest of our life together. I'm never leaving you're side, never. We're in this together. But first we have to tell my dad and Katie." I told her smiling at her and wiping her tears away. "What did I do to deserve a guy like you?" She asked staring into my eyes. "You've got that backwards baby. What did I do to deserve a girl like you?" I said as she leaned in to kiss me. I got so damn turned on just by her being on me and kissing me.

I also don't think she knew she was pushing down on my mini me. But then I knew she knew, because I felt her smirk on my lips. I'm definitely looking forward to the hormones that she's about to go through. But I'm not looking forward to seeing her act all crazy and yelling a lot.

"You don't know how bad I'm wanting to take you. Right here, right now." I said to her smirking. "Then do it." She said back. I did just that. But it wasn't how it always is. It was slow and I made love to her. It was then that I realized that I truly loved her and no one else. I kissed her tummy three times in three little spots. We can worry about telling the world about our babies tomorrow.


Hey! It's been a while huh?

This is probably the shortest chapter I've ever written in all of the chapters I've written. I hope that you all have enjoyed this book, but this definitely isn't the end of Vaeh, Asher, and the little three.

I'll make a separate info chapter after this one for the next book.

Thanks for reading! I love you all.

See you soon lovelies!

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