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Last night was amazing. I just cannot stop thinking about everything that happened. It replayed over and over again in my head like a broken record. I couldn't believe that Asher had did all of that for me. For me. He's a sweet guy for that. But don't let that fool you. He's still a dirty-minded, retarded, horny little teenage boy.

We were just sitting around eating pizza rolls with ranch and Dr. Pepper laying around watching Lucy. That's my favorite movie! I wish I was kick-ass like she was in that movie. Asher wouldn't be able to lay a finger on me if I could control him with just my slow, but smart brain.

As I'm sitting here, I was thinking about how I wanted to get a job and make money on my own. Auntie Jasmine wouldn't always be around for me to borrow her money, and I kinda felt bad asking her for gas money and extra money for nonsense.

"Hey babe?" I said. "Yeah?" he said sounding sleepy. He's gonna hate me for this.. "I wanna go job hunting today! Will you come with me?" I asked. "Noo, I'm tired. Just let me take care of you. You'll never have to get a job while you're with me." he said. Did he really just tell me that? I may be lazy sometimes, but I ain't being no stay at home girlfriend. He got some nerve! I just slapped his arm, got up and walked upstairs to change into a different and more comfortable outfit.

I closed my door and began changing. I took off my pants and shirt, leaving me in nothing but my underwear and bra. "Woo babe that's a nice view from where I stand!" Asher said making me scream and automatically cover my body up. If anything he knows I'm very insecure about my body. "You don't have to say that. I know I have nothing but a flabby, bruised up body." I said looking down at my toes. I need to get those done! "Vaeh, you're body to me is the most beautiful thing ever. Bruises and all, you're still beautiful." He said coming up and wrapping his hands around my waist and rubbing over my huge bruise over my ribcage. "Yunno, you're doing things to my ego right now." He stated. "Oh really?" I said. I thought I'd tease him by wiggling into him. He groaned. "Don't do that, or you'll get more than you're bargaining for. I'm tempted to grab your boobs right now."he said. You see what I mean? Boys. They just something else.
"How bout we do this job hunting now?" He said. "Yaaayy!" I yelled.

*****3 hours later*****

I filled out a job application for forever 21 and the boss just went ahead and gave me the job! She said something about me being the face of the youth and I'd fit in perfectly there. I'm so excited bro! They got a lot of pretty stuff up there to. I can't wait for my first day, which is tomorrow. Finally something special about my Monday. I stopped by the ice cream shop and picked me up a cookies and cream waffle cone. I don't know what to do today, so I was just gonna go home and chill until Katie texted me and said it was an emergency and to pick her up now. What could possibly be going on?

I pulled up to her front door and honked the horn. Good thing I dropped Asher off over to Jason's earlier or else he wouldn't have let me stop by and pick her up. Why? I don't know. She came outside and got into the car. I stared at her long and hard. Had she been crying? "Katie, are you okay? You look like you've been crying!" I asked. She just shook her head and told me to wait until we made it to my house.

I pulled up into the driveway. We got inside and I poured Katie something to drink. "Do you wanna talk about it now?" I asked. She took a deep breath then let out a sigh. "Yunno how me and Jason have been having lots of sex? Well, yesterday after he left, I realized that I was a week late. I started panicking and I didn't call you because you were dealing with your relationship with Asher and I didn't wanna get in way of that. I told Jason and he started panicking, too. We went to the pharmacy and got 6 pregnancy tests. I took all of them and they all came out positive. What am I gonna do?" She began to cry. "No no, don't cry. It's okay. I'm here for you and I'll be by your side in any decision you decide to make." I told her. "What am I supposed to tell my family? They're gonna disown me." She said sniffling. "If they do, you'll live here. I know auntie jasmine wouldn't mind. Just lay down here and get some rest.


About an hour later, Katie had woken up. "I'm gonna go for a run on the treadmill. Just make yourself at home. Watch a little tv and there's plenty in food in the fridge. Yell or come down to the fitness room if you need anything!" I told her. "Okay."she whispered back.

I was running when I heard Katie's footsteps moving really fast. Is she running? "Nevaeh, you need to get your ass up here NOW! I think you might was to see this. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Hurry come on!" She yelled. "Katie what's wrong! What's going on?!"I asked panicking now. "Just get up here now! Save your questions for later! You need to see this and I say it's a real.... match." She said. What does she mean by that?

I turned off the treadmill, kicked off those uncomfortable shoes and went upstairs to the front door. I saw a car that I didn't recognized out there. Who the hell is at my house?" I made my way to the front door and what I saw standing there had me almost passing out. I looked at Katie and Katie looked at me telling me that she was thinking the same thing I was thinking.



Heeey! Hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for any misspelled words or mistakes.

Sorry for the cliffhanger! But, I promise I'm gonna update soon so that this cliffhanger that I left don't be hanging too long.

To my other viewers that don't vote or comment, when you guys read, can you vote or comment on the chapters so I can know what y'all think too? Thanks!!

Byeeeeee! :)

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