Date Night

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It's Tuesday. Who decides to skip school on a Tuesday, along with her best friend, to get ready for a date with the boy that claims his liking for her? Me. That's who. Me. We are skipping school today because I made a big ole' scene in the courtyard and made him do this. I kept telling him he didn't have to, but he wouldn't listen.

He told me not to get all dressed up and fancy because it would be cold out that night. Why we gonna be outside? This is making me worried. Anyways, Katie was curling my hair and doing my make-up. "Yunno, I really think that no matter what happens on this date, good or bad, you should give Asher a chance. He's really sweet and no other guy would do this for a girl. Most boys are just fuckboys. They get into your head, then they leave you. Don't give him your trust so fast, make him earn it." Katie said. Wow, what's making her say all this? "I'm saying all of this because I care about you and deserved to be loved for once. I love you, but honey not in that way!" she said making me laugh. "Yeah yeah, I understand mommy." I said laughing.

She finished up my hair and my make-up and I had to clap for her. Literally, I clapped because of such and amazing job she did. I look sexy! I looked at my outfit she had chosen for me. That looked amazing too! There was a pair of black tightly fitted pants with a sparkling gold shirt, nude heels, some really pretty earrings, and a black little hand purse. I couldn't thank her enough. I'll need to owe her back for this.

"Come on! Chop chop, we don't have all day! Asher will be here in less than 30 minutes now and you aren't dressed yet! Get that snail out of your tail and move it!" Katie yelled making me laugh at how motherish she sounds. Asher went to Katie's boyfriend's house to get ready because they are really close friends. I never knew this. "Okay I'm sorry! I was just admiring the outfit!" I exclaimed back. "So, are you gon just stand there and still continue to talk to me?" Katie said with a serious face on now. My goodness she is killing me right now. "Right. Sorry!" I said back as I started to put the clothing on. My oh my I looked gorgeous. All thanks to Katie, 'cause if she hadn't been here, I'd be dressing in some sweats, a crop top, and a messy bun on the top of my head.

As I was just finishing up and spraying perfume on, the doorbell rang. "Ooo your prince charming is here!" Katie squealed and bolted towards the door. I hate it when she does that. I grabbed my purse, phone and house keys and started to make my way downstairs.

When I made it to the bottom of those stairs, I had to stop and take a moment of silence. Asher. He looks sooooo sexy right now! He's wearing cargo shorts, a Polo button down shirt and some vans. His hair with done really nicely and I see he even trimmed it. "Holy balls you look....." he said when he laid eyes on me. "I look what?" I said with confidence. "Words cannot even BEGIN to describe." he said with his mouth hanging open. He stayed like that for like 5 whole minutes.

"Close your mouth before my imaginary cock goes into it. Shall we go now?" I said smirking. "You're discussing. Y-Yeah let's go." Aww he was stuttering. Before we drove off, he handed me a blindfold. "Put this on until I say otherwise. No peaking neither, or in going to have to punish you missy." he said smirking. "Sure. What does this have to do with anything?" I questioned. "Just pit the damn blindfold on and stop being stubborn." he said. "Yes sir." I said smiling. I tightened the blindfold up and just enjoyed the ride.

A few minutes later, the car came to a stop and he opened my door for me. "Come. Walk this way." he said. I "looked" at him like he was a complete idiot. "How exactly am I supposed to walk that way if I can't see anything?" I said. "Oh yeah, I forgot." he said, his voice shaking a little. He's nervous?! I don't know why. We know each other pretty well. He took hold of my hand. I heard talking and laughter. Where are we? As we continued walking, the laughing and talking ceased, and everything was dead quiet. He opened a door. "Take your blindfold off now." He said. I couldn't have been quick enough.

Once I took the blindfold off, I couldn't believe what was in front of my eyes. Wow. Just wow. There was a lot of huge couch-like things in the center of this huge room. Rose petals were everywhere and candles were lit all over the room! It was only then that I seen the huge screen in front of us. I then knew where we were. He rented this whole room for us to watch Furious 7 all alone.

As the movie finished, I didn't even know what to say or how I felt. "Asher, thi-" "No, no, no Vaeh. This night isn't over yet. We still have a dinner reservation!" He said. Seriously, he's spoiling me way too much. Turns out, the dinner reservation was in the same building and he rented that out too! Just us, some great food, and great drinks. I was thinking that this night couldn't get any better when Asher hit a button that was connected to something and Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran started playing.

Asher bent forward and said, "Ma'lady, may I have this dance?" flashing me his award winning smile with his dimples popping out. We were halfway through the song when Asher began to talk. "You know that Jasmine and my dad know all about us right?" "How? Did you tell them, or did they just suspect it?" I asked. "Well, they kind of suspected it. They told me that they seen the way we looked at each other and how much time we were spending together. They also knew when I screwed up and made up sad." He said. "Nevaeh, I want you to know how beautiful you are. Looking into your eyes, I see how deep I'm falling for you. I won't ever hurt you again. When I seen that flash of hurt across your face when you saw me making out with Chelsea, it felt my own world came crashing down. I never wanna see that look on your face again. I'm sorry for what your parents did to you. If I ever see them, I'll give them a dose of their own medicine. But, basically what I'm trying to say is that I want you to be mines. Nevaeh, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Asher-" "its okay if you're not ready to take it that far. I understand." He said cutting me off. "Don't cut me off. Shut up and listen. I wasn't going to say no. In fact, yes. Yes I will be your girlfriend." I said smiling so big my cheeks are hurting. He picked me up and spun me around. "Neveah, I love you." He said. Wait a minute! Those were those 3 words! He said them out loud!! He loves me. My heart was exploding and my eyes were watering. "Asher Spence Kavanaugh, I love you too."


Heeey! You're welcome for the update people! Haha:)

Awww, he finally said "it".

Sorry, but no virginity losing in this chapter. Not all date nights go down like that. Trust me, I got this all figured out.

Lemme just say one thing, yall better be ready for the next chapter, because it's going down for real. Seriously. :/

**Byeeeee sugga pies**

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