Are you kidding me?

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As my eyes slowly started to open, it took me a few seconds to realize where I am. I'm in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV. This is exactly where I didn't want to end up. Being here gives me a feeling of depression. Like I'm about to die. Of all things, I don't know why that's on my mind. I went to move, but winced very loudly as I didn't realize the huge bandage covering up my very sore ribs and stomach. I moved my jaw and it felt like someone was dropping bricks on my face over and over again. I panicked and decided to fight the aching pains, that was until I felt someone, a very familiar someone pulling at my arms. "No, no, no sweetie. Take it easy. It's good now. You're safe now." the woman said. I know this wom- "Auntie Jasmine?" It's her, she's standing in front of me. "Yes sweetie, it's me. I feel so dumb for moving so far away. I always thought something was up with you parents. The way they looked at you during the family gatherings. I'm sorry for never realizing it earlier, but I'm here now and I'm never leaving again." I was on the verge of tears right now. She's here. For me. I never thought I had family here for me.

"Mrs. Kavanaugh?" the doctor loudly said startling me. "Yes?" auntie jasmine said. "I'm aware that this form states that you are Ms.Johnsons only other legal guardian, and obviously her parents are too dangerous to be around. The police are here and they are going to ask a few questions." the doctor nicely said, then exited the room where two large and buff men walked in. "Hi, good evening Ms. Johnson and Ms. Kavanaugh. I have a few questions I'd like to ask Ms. Johnson." the first man said. Here goes nothing. "First, we are fully aware that you have been abused. How long has this been going on?" the same guy said, I think his name is Jake. "Since I was 8 years old, sir." I muttered. "Wow. I'm honestly sorry for that. It's not everyday that we get someone who has survived an abuse like this. We have set a date for the trial. Do you feel as if you will be ready to talk to the judge about everything that has happened in 4 days?" Jake said. 4 days?! I can't even talk about it now without crying. Without thinking it through any longer, I blurted out
"Yes. I'll be ready." What the hell did I just do? "Are you sure?" jake said, raising his eyebrows. "Yes."

Kill me already. "Okay then. Let me just explain to you that now that you are no longer safe in the hands of your parents, you will go live with Ms. Kavanaugh in Los Angeles, California." He can't be serious. "What? I can't go live that far away! What about school and my best friend? No I can't leave." I said a little too quickly and loudly. "You will attend the local high school in California. I'm sorry, but we can't trust your parents with you anymore. For your health and safety, it's best you leave with Ms. Kavanaugh." the other guy, Sam, said. Wow. I'm moving to California.

**4 days later***

Today's the day that I've been dreading. I have to go and tell a judge about everything that my parents did to me, in front of my parents. Auntie Jasmine, my lawyer and I walked into the court. That's when I saw them. Looking so innocent and sweet. Sweet my butt. The judge made his way to his seat where he then hit his gavel. He started stating the law, and then he said my parents name. "Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, step forward. Ms. Nevaeh Johnson, don't interrupt. You'll have your turn to speak. One of you, begin telling your side of the story." the judge said. That's when my father started to speak.

"Your honor, my wife and I thought it would be a great idea to go on a date night. We went and did a little grocery shopping, and then we parted ways to get ready. We left Nevaeh at home and told her we wanted the house cleaned before we came back home. She gave me the usual 'whatever' and began tapping on her phone." What?! You've got to be kidding me. He continued lying. "When we arrived home, there were wine glasses everywhere, trash, and furniture everywhere. We began looking for her, and when we found her, she began to throw things. Her mother tried to stop her, but she slapped her in the face! Her auntie jasmine came and thought we were hitting her, but we were just lecturing her." he lied through his teeth.
I gave my side of the story. We were now waiting patiently to see if they were guilty or not, then I'd go pack my things and leave. Not without a restraining order of course. The judge came back and banged his gravel. He was talking and then I felt all the feeling in my body leave and the tears were spilling.

They were found............
Sorry for the cliff hanger, but it's a part of the story! Trust me, the story is gonna go great and be ready for anything:)

Shout out hesmealda88 and audriarmani for being my first two readers and supporting me!

Until we meet again lovelies, bye;)

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