Chapter 40 - "Welcoming Smiles" (Important Announcement!)

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As the boys slowly finished packing up their stuff, they started to follow the trail back to the Kingdom. It took them a few days to arrive. But Joshua felt a bit nervous about the news they were going to tell the King.

Many things had happened on this trip, it might be hard for the king to take it all in. They had one mission and it completely failed.

Suddenly, Jeonghan came up to Joshua. The younger probably predicted that Jeonghan would just scold his ear off but no. It was just plain silence.

The two slowly rode their horses, making them trail off behind the others. It was peacefully silent until the other one spoke.

" I'm not mad at you, you know? " Jeonghan spoke, making Joshua bolt up his head and stare at his brother. " I'm just– "

The older sighed, and look at his younger brother with a sincere smile. " I guess I was just a bit worried."

Joshua frowns. "Why?"

" Joshua, I just didn't expect it. It will be hard for you at first since all of this had happened and you don't even know who claimed you!-"

"It was Seokmin." Joshua blurted out, making Jeonghan's eyes widen.

I mean, it was true the two had gotten really close. Even the siren admired the young prince before he even met him up close. He was speechless. All of the people, that big ball of sunshine is now his partner for life?

"Could you at least explain it to me?" Jeonghan asked, to know a bit more detail about what happened between the two.

"It was intentional Jeonghan, it wasn't the Red moon or anything. He just kissed me under a full, blue moon." Joshua explained, feeling a little flustered. "We like each other Jeonghan. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you this before."

Jeonghan chuckles in response making Joshua panic, thinking his brother might have gone insane.

"I'm not joking! Stop laughing!" Joshua puffed his cheeks.

Jeonghan wiped the tears from his face as he continued to laugh.

"I'm sorry, I think it's the first time I have seen you in love before." Jeonghan stated and looked at Joshua. "I just find it strange..."

"What do you mean?"

"I meant 'love' is strange itself." Jeonghan said as he stared into the distance as Joshua tried to tell what is on his mind. He shook his head and stared back at Joshua with a sweet smile.

"I'm okay with the both of you being together. In fact, I am very happy for both of you." Jeonghan grabbed Joshua's hands and caresses them. "Just make sure that you won't regret any of this. I wish you both the best."

Joshua's frown earlier turned into a big, bright smile. His heart beats with joy, making Jeonghan chuckle.

"Thank you so much, Hannie! Oh gosh, I'm really glad I have a brother like you!" Joshua pulled Jeonghan into a hug making the other startled but soon gave in as well.

"I still need to talk to Seokmin though." Jeonghan warned, making Joshua laugh.

"Alright, just don't pressure the poor guy." He laughed.

A comfortable silence filled the atmosphere like a thick, and warm blanket, as they continued to follow the trail they were once on at the beginning of their journey.

- - -

A few moments have passed, minutes, hours, or maybe half the day it took. Finally, they have arrived back home to Carat Kingdom.

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