Chapter 32 - "Takashi Tribe"

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I woke up with a huge head ache, along with painful bruises and scratches all over my body. What happened? Where's Seungcheol?

I groan as the only memory I remember was the time I snapped at Seu- wait... Did we have a...

"In case you are wondering... Yes, you both had a fight. "

Looking up, I saw Joshua with a tray of tea, along with a sweet smile like he always has. He grabbed on one of the chairs around me and sat down, preparing some tea. I looked around to see I was in some sort of small hut, made out of wood. It was comfy yet, I still clueless of where I am.

"What happened? Is Seungcheol Okay? Are the others safe?" I hurriedly said,

"Indeed, the others have bruises and scratches on their bodies. But their safely recovering. Thanks to the Takashi Tribe."

I stopped for a minute and stared at Jisoo who was offering a cup of tea and gladly took it, taking a small sip before silence engulfed us.

"What exactly happened?" Jisoo only sighed and placed down his cup of tea before speaking.

"You had a small fight with Seungcheol. Once you snapped, the poor boy couldn't even utter a word. The minute you about to ran away, a bunch of werewolves came and began to attack us. They kept us in a cell, probably to leave us to rot."

"how did we get out then?"

"Somehow, Seungkwan and Hansol did all the work."

"Oh really?... "

I looked down and began to fiddle the little tea cup in my hands. If I didn't snapped back to Seungcheol, then the wolves didn't hear us passing by. I should've think before I talk. I even put the others lives in danger because of my childish mind.

A warm hand suddenly grabbed mine and caresses it. My eyes landed on Jisoo's face who had a small frown on.

"If you are blaming yourself because of this, please don't. Hannie, it's no ones fault. We just... We all aren't in the right condition to think right that time. We were all tired, okay? It's no ones fault."

"I guess... " I mumbled.

I feel Jisoo smile at me as I stared down at my cold, frozen hands. I really felt bad for even talking back to Seungcheol-I didn't even get to apologize. Well... I guess I could talk to him now, if he's even done resting.

"So what is tribe you speak of? The ones that is helping us recover? "

"Takashi Tribe. A tribe of werewolves who claimed that Seungcheol was one of their kind. From what Seungkwan told me, right after we've escaped from the other tribe of werewolves. A small pack of wolves offered for help. Since, one of their kind is with us, badly bruised too."

"Is that so? I'm truely grateful for their help. Could I perhaps talk to their head leader?"

"Indeed you can. Their with Seungcheol, helping him with his recovery. I think they also want to speak with you too."

I slowly stood up. I gave Jisoo a big hug before leaving the room, parting our ways.

I stepped out of the hut to reveal a small village. It wasn't crouded with werewolves, it wasn't empty either. I passed through some of them as they gave me warm, welcoming smile. They seem indeed quite friendly.

My eyes landed on a bigger hut amongst the rest. I knew it had to their leader's. I walk around the village, greeting some of their tribe. Some even offered food yet I declined. I'm not hungry.

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