Chapter 33 - "A nightmare"

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"blood... "

"pain... "

"screams... "

"Death! "

_ _ _

Seungcheol choked on his tears as he quickly arises from his bed. He huffed and huffed as his thick, cold, sweat covered his whole body. He could feel his hands shaking as his lips began to turn pale. He was frozen cold too.

Did he had a dream?


He indeed had a dream. But it wasn't just a regular dream. It was a nightmare.

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A hand began to sway in front of Hansol as reality begins to hit him. He looked at the person walking beside him and stared at their eyes.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah... I guess."

Silence engulfed them as they continue to walk by the forest near the Takashi tribe's village.

"So why did you call me out for?"

Hansol asked, noticing the akward tension between them two. Hansol wasn't very comfortable around girls much. Unless it was his sister, or mother.

"Can we just... Take a small stroll in the forest? Isn't it nor-"


Hansol stopped as he noticed the person in front of him is nervously fidgeting her fingers. Earlier, the peculiar wanted to talk with the male. Yet, all this waiting got him so impatient.

"Are we just going to stand here or are you going to say something? Maya I don't have time for this-"

As Hansol was about to leave when a Maya suddenly grabbed his wrist, stopping him from leaving.

Hansol was startles from the sudden action. He looked at Maya, shocked as she continues to beg for him stay.

"H-Hansol..." She calmly spoke. "Please don't tell anyone, not even your hyungs that I was the one who helped you through escaping the Valorous tribe."

Hansol frowned. Indeed, it wasn't a big of deal but the male got curious-even concerned for her reasons.

"Why?" Hansol softly spoke.

"Just– Hansol, no one knows that I'm  not just a regular bird—a peculiar to be exact."

Hansol was taken aback from the Maya's secret, revealed. Who would have thought he and Seungkwan were the first ones to see her in this state.

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