Chapter 15 - "Hoshi."

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Midnight, it is now Midnight.

Joshua went outside the treehouse and decided to wash up a few cloths he found around the small structure finding it very useful in the future.

While walking down to the fairy lake near the treehouse. Joshua saw a silhouette of a hooded creature near the crystal clear water.

Joshua thought it was very odd, as he remembered no one packed or even wore a long hooded cloak

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Joshua thought it was very odd, as he remembered no one packed or even wore a long hooded cloak. He stood behind the tree observing the figure. Who knows if it's an enemy?

The figure doesn't seem to take its eyes off the glowing water. He was so curious who is it behind those thick, silk fabric?

Without thinking, Joshua steps forward bravely not even hesitating to think if the hooded person was safe or not.

But suddenly, the hooded figure disappeared from his own eyes making Joshua gasp.

"That was weird..." He mutters.

Joshua just shrugged it off and thought it was just the boys playing and joking around. Though, he still thought it was strange.

He lifted his hand up causing the root from the ground to grow five times bigger. He sat down on the chair he just made with the roots of the trees.

He started to clean up the cloths. while he was too focused on washing. He didn't notice his lips began to move on themselves and sing...

Sunday Morning
Rain is falling

Steal some covers
Share some skin

Clouds and shrouding
Us in moments

Joshua gasps loudly as his whole body jumped when he saw a hand grabbing onto his wrists under the water.

"AHHH!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Ahh! Hyung it's just me! Seokmin!"

Suddenly, Seokmin rises from the water with an apologetic smile while he rubs his nape.

"Oh my! Seokmin don't ever do that again!" Joshua panted as his heart beat faster like it was jumping out from his chest. "That scared the living hell out of me,"

"A-Ah! hyung I'm so sorry!" Seokmin pleaded.

"I-It's fine... I just-" Joshua took a deep breath and smiled at the younger. "Just, don't do that again... Okay?"

Seokmin nodded like a child and smiled brightly making Joshua's heart flutter.

"What are you doing out here so late hyung?"

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