Chapter 9 - "Bright Siren"

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I woke up a little earlier than Jeonghan, Which was normal. Younwon came in earlier that there was breakfast going to be held at the throne room along with the boys who I met yesterday.

I went to wake Jeonghan up before we head downstairs. I shook his fragile body as he flutters his eyes open. Gosh, He sleeps so loudly sometimes.

"Wake up Jeonghan! Breakfast is ready." He groans and sat up running his finger through his hair.

"It's morning already?"

"Yes, Now get up and get ready. We'll be having breakfast with the others." I said while putting on the vest. You know... Just in case...

"Fine." He stood up and went to get dressed. Something came into my mind which made me curious. It was Jeonghan going out late at night.

"Jeonghan," He replied with a soft hum and faces me. I teasingly gave him a grin. "Who were you talking to last night?"

I heard him walk out the door last night which woke me up. I was so curious about where he went. And he returned right after I heard someone talking outside the bedroom door. It sounded like a male. So, I decided to tease him a little.

"Oh So-Yah, don't get the wrong idea." He said putting on the necklace mother had given him once we were little. Well, I have one too, but I kept it safe somewhere in my closet.

"Then? Just tell me who is it?" He sighs and looked me in the eyes.

"Seungcheol," I tried not to tease him and giggle. "Well, I saw him in the garden patrolling last night... And he decided to keep me company." He said calmly.

"Sounds Nice... Seungcheol? As in the werewolf?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," He nods and looked back into the mirror.

"I heard from father he was one of the alpha's in the group." I yawned feeling a little drowsy. Jeez, I shouldn't have waited for him to come back last night. "I guess it's a match."

Jeonghan looked down on the ground, probably in his thoughts. I wonder what's he's thinking.

"I don't think that match is going to happen."

"Yet." I teased making him groan.

"Let's just go." He said as we both went out of the room.

We went down checking out if the workers are doing fine. And then, something came to my mind... I wonder how's the human boy doing. His name is Chan I assume?

"Good Morning my sons! Come, have a seat." Father greeted with a bright smile.

" Father greeted with a bright smile

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