Chapter 35 - "A waltz in the woods"

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If I were you, I'd read this chapter with the magical sounds above!  To make it more realistic hehe. ^^^

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In the middle of the night, Seokmin arises from his bed from a very interesting sound from outside of their tent.

Enchanting, tiwinkling music yet it was beginning to become more quiet. And Seokmin, who's curiousity was eating his body and mind up. Stood up, and headed towards the front of their tent, as cold breeze brushes through his face.

The weird sound became to grow louder as Seokmin takes another step in front of him. Suddenly, he saw a small beam of light, near the fire place. He slowly walked over and noticed it was a small fairy, a fairy who had a white tulip on her head.

Seokmin gasps in amazement making the fairy startled. The melody stopped as the small creature began to fly away from his grasp. Seokmin however, thought it wouldn't be bad to see where the little creature was off to, so he began to follow it.

It led him into the forest, he looked back at the others with a frown, should he go back? No, he already came this far, why turn back now?

He goes in deeper into the oak wood, trees, as a familiar sound from ealier begins to grow louder every step he takes into the forest.

Suddenly, the peculiar sound stopped. As distinct whispering was heard, very fainted but Seokmin could still manage to hear. It was almost like the small voices were singing, singing such a beautiful memory, that the Siren wasn't familiar of.

Seokmin followed the sounds, wanting to know where it came from, not knowing the small creature he tried to follow, already disappeared.

The distinct whispering grew louder and louder until Seokmin's feet froze, glued to the ground. He gasps in amazement, as his eyes widen at the he sight.

The whole area of the forest was filled with many different fairies, with many beautiful colors. Seokmin stared from afar, amazed at the sight. I mean, who wouldn't?

The distinct whispers become more clearer, it was almost like a choir of fairies, singing a beautiful melody, quite a very familiar one now.

Seokmin began futher more looked into the breathtaking scene in front of him. He had never seen anything more enchanting that this.

Suddenly, he noticed a familiar figure, quite familiar you might say. He is sitting on a rock as he sings along with the small creatures.

A smiled formed on the Siren's lips, as he began to stare at the person, admiring him fron afar. But, it wasn't long enough before one of the fairies noticed the young male staring. The small creature gently grabbed his hand as he begin to lead the male near the familiar figure.

Seokmin didn't know why, but the only thing he could hear was his heart, beating out of his chest as they walk closer..


Jisoo turned around, smiling once he met the younger male's eyes.

"Seokmin! What a surprise to see you here." Seokmin shyly smiled, he didn't mean to stumble upon this beautiful scenery, though he didn't regret seeing it. "Why don't you stay for awhile, come, sit with me."

The older male patted the space beside him, which Seokmin hapouly took. The both didn't spoke a word, but just comfortably stared off at the very joyful, and cheerful fairies, dancing and singing the night away.

Seokmin took a small glance at thr male beside him. He had a small, sweet smile plastered on his face as he slowly groved to the sweet melody being played.

The younger noticed Jisoo wanted to dance. So,  he stood up, politely bowed and held his hand up making the older chuckle in surprise.

"May I have this dance, my prince?"

"Of course,"

Jisoo gladly took Seokmin's hand with a smile. Seokmin wrapped his arms around Jisoo's waist as tgis very unfamiliar feeling rushes over his body. Though, he liked it.

Jisoo wrapped his arm around the younger's tourso as their hands intertwined.

The two slowly waltz with a bright smile, staring at each other eyes as they slowly sway to the beautiful melody the fairies were making.

It was a very beautiful scence. Very memorable to the two. Seokmin knew, that this will be one of the most precious and unforgettable moments of his life.

"So, my prince." Seokmin cleared his throat. "Why are you not sleeping yet my prince? Is there something on your mind?"

Jisoo only smiled in return. "Nothing, I tried to sleep but it was no use. Yet, once I got out of the tent, I discovered that this was indeed a fairy forest. And I wanted to communicate with them. But I ended up here."

Jisoo giggled. As cliche as it might sound, Jisoo had one of the most beautiful smiles Seokmin could ever imagine. The younger wanted to cherish it.

"It's is quite a beauty. Isn't it?"

"Indeed, this is one of the most beautiful sights I have every seen." Jisoo smiled.

Silence engulfed them. It was quite comfortable you might say. The two stared off into each others eyes, surely gettung lost in their own world.

"You are very beautiful, my prince."

The older male only chuckled, flattered by the small compliment. "Why thank you Seokmin, you look quite handsome aswell."

Silence engulfed them like a big blanket. Jisoo noticed Seokmin staring, deadly into his eyes, making his heart beat increase.

Suddenly, Seokmin gently placed his lips on the older's, intertwining them making the older startled. Seokmin couldn't help himself, almost like his own body was moving by itself.

Seokmin's lips were soft, and the kiss felt passionate, yet soft and sweet. Jisoo couldn't help but kiss back. It felt very sincere, Jisoo wouldn't lie if he said that he already fell in love with the younger.

The moon brightly shines, stars twinkle from above. Cold breeze brushes through their faces, thick, oak trees surrounding them.

After a few seconds, they part. Jisoo could help but feel his cheeks burn from embarrassment—which Seokmin noticed, and couldn't help but chuckle at the older's reaction. He cupped his cheeks and muttered;

"I love you."

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Hello amazing readers! I made two chapters because why not? It's the first of December!

Also, thank you for the people who pointed out that I was focusing too much on JeongCheol. They were right. I'm sorry to disappoint all of you! But please bare with me, this book still got a long way to go. I will do my best next update! Thank for all the people who pointed that out! Don't worry, the other ships will equally have their stories, that I'm currently making! Bare with the process everyone (。’▽’。)♡

But sad to say, I will be taking 2 week hiatus. Nothing bad had happened, and no I'm not sick lol. I have just been too pressured by all the stuff happening around me. So, I'll be taking a small break.

I will be back soon! See you all later amazing readers. 💙

[Again, all of these chapters are un-edited. Please do not mind the typos and wrong grammars ^~^]

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