Chapter 25 - "Chan, The human boy"

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Seungcheol walked up to the second floor and went to the very end of the hallway where there is another room, yet to clean.

He turned the knob and slowly opened the door to see there were a bunch of boxes. Noticing this used to be the storage room.

Seungcheol sighed, knowing there is a lot of work still needed to be done. So, he then started on cleaning the whole room.

"Alright. I need to clean this before the others come back."

He picked up the boxes one by one. The third box was heavy so he struggled a little. Suddenly, something slipped and fell on the ground making it shatter.

Seungcheol panicked and quickly placed the box nearby. He went to the what seemed to be a family portrait making him frown.

He slowly brushed all the broken glass away and grabbed the picture that was inside. There was a woman, a man, and a small child in the frame.

Seungcheol's eyes widen when his eyes landed on the woman. She looked awfully familiar.

_ _ _

"Are you sure you want to do this Elzeth?" A woman with brown hair and human-like-figure frowned.

"I'm sure Aera, I'm going to be fine." A woman with white hair and light skin smiled warmly.

A small boy was staring at them from afar. "Your going to leave now Autie?"

The beautiful creature crouched down and smiled at the little boy, patting his head.

"I will be back sweetie, don't worry. Auntie is just going to be gone in a few years." She assured.

She stood up and hugged the other one last time before disappearing into thin air.

The small boy looked at his mom and gently tugged on her dress earing her attention.

"Why did auntie leave us Eomma?"

The female werewolf sweetly smiled. "It's because auntie is special. She is one of the gifted"

"Am I special too?" He pouted.

"Of course you are sweetie! Everyone is special, everyone is unique in their own way." She held on the boy's hand. "Someday... You will be a hero Seungcheol. You will be a great leader." She smiled sweetly.

"You are gifted too, my little one."

_ _ _

Seungcheol's body shakes at the sudden memory. He looked back at the picture to see the small boy looked similar to Chan. Very similiar, there is no way this couldn't be the small human boy.

She is one of the gifted.

Seungcheol gasps and dropped the family picture down to the floor.

"Could it be?..."

_ _ _

"Seungcheol we're back!"

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