Chapter 12 - "The Start Of Their Journey"

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It is now the day of the 14 boys' journey to the great wizard Howl. While the others are preparing for their departure, some decided to roam around the village to see how everyone was doing.


"Are you sure about this hyung? I mean... Won't I just bring bad luck to you on the way?" I heard Chan speak, I look up from my potion book to see him helping Seungcheol with a few boxes for our departure.

"Misfortune? Bad luck? Who says you're bad luck?" Seungcheol raises an eyebrow at him. He places down the box, placing his hands on his hips. "It's going to be alright Chan. You aren't any bug to us, plus! We might get information on who you are."

"I'm Chan, isn't that enough information?"

I chuckle at the response. Geez... Human kids these days, can't really understand them correctly.

"Whatever you say," Seungcheol picks up the box and carries it inside, and walks towards the treehouse. "You're coming with us even if you like it or not. Now hurry! I still need to patrol around the village."

 "Really!? Yes!" Chan said all giddy while trailing off behind making me chuckle

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"Really!? Yes!" Chan said all giddy while trailing off behind making me chuckle.

"Cute," I muttered and continued to read my potion book.

"Who's cute? Me?"

I gasps in surprise, I looked behind me to see that Soonyoung kid again. I can feel him breathing on my nose making me ticklish. Eyes met as our faces were inches apart.

"Yah! Really!" I smack him in the head as he stumbled away from me.

"Owww!" He whines

Both of us continued bickering until Joshua hyung called us for help with carrying the boxes.


Mingyu is roaming around the village plaza, looking for something that might catch his eye. Probably something to steal.

"Come one and come all! Precious and beautiful necklaces for sale!" One of the stalls said catching Mingyu's attention.

Mingyu went up the stall with an innocent smile as he scans his eyes through the selection of necklaces. His eyes widen when he saw a beautiful necklace that was so eye-catching.

"Sir, how much is this?" He asks, he was startled why he wasn't going to steal it. Instead, he's going to buy it. He holds out two matching heart necklaces as the owner scans them.

 He holds out two matching heart necklaces as the owner scans them

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