Chapter 10 - "Chosen Fate"

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"Wait... So, you're telling me... We're one of the Omega's?" The pixie repeated pointing at himself.

"Why yes, I didn't pick them out, my son. We're born to be one." The king warmly smiles.

"That means... Were bott-" The green pixie quickly puts his hand on the youngers mouth making him shut up. The king squinted his eyes at the two as the older pixie just nervously laughs.

"Anywho..." The king cleared his throat and smiles. "I can assign your alphas soon. Just settle in the kingdom first and relax for a bit. Now," He stood up and fixes his cape. "I'll be in the village if you need me, I'll just be strolling around to see if everything is alright down there."

And with a blink of an eye, The king's hand disappeared into the thick dust.


Jeonghan plopped on his bed and sighed. He stared at the ceiling as the words of his father kept replying into his mind.


"But our king, who are the omega's and who are the alpha's?" The imp asks curiously.

"Ahh yes, There are exactly 6 omega's and 6 alpha's." He clears his throat and smiled. "Jeonghan and Jisoo my sons."

They both looked at their father with questionable eyes.

"You both are omega's, along with Jihoon, Wonu, Minghao, and Seungkwan." The boys looked at the king confused but shocked at the same time. Once in their life, they didn't even think about having an alpha to protect them. Since, they are pretty strong.

"As for the rest, You all are Alphas... You need to protect the omega's I have given you along through your journey and quests." The king sighed and forced a smile. "I'm sorry my boys... But that's how it life works..."

"It's alright our king, We can accept our fate." The manticore smiles.

"Anywho, Protecting you given omega will give you much more strength if you do. But if they hurt, you'll get hurt too. Well, If you claim them of course."

"But can we choose our omega to protect, our king?" The king frowns at the Windigo.

"I'm afraid I can't let you, it will waste our time my dear boys."



"Hey Josh," Jeonghan called out for the youngers name making him look at the elder. "How do you feel about this?"

"Feel about what?" Joshua smiles.

"About 'us' being protected?" The younger's face fell, he didn't want to be protected. But, if he is really 'that' weak. Then he just bitterly accepts reality.

"Well, We already knew, right? I don't mind at all. If that's what the world is in store for us then I'm fine with it." He said fixing his bedside table. He looked at his brother and frowned. "Hey look,"

"If you're upset about it... Just think on the bright side! It's probably for the best. You get to be protected, and well... You get to fight too you know." Joshua said comforting his older brother.

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