Chapter 20 - "The Witch Of The Waste"

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he boys now proceeded to go deeper in the forest. Many snakes, spiders and anything poisonous, you name it. They already encountered. Yet, the worst is still yet to come.

"Uh... Jeonghan I got a bad feeling..."

Suddenly, a black, soulless, figures ran grabbed Chan making the younger scream. Attracting more of it's kind.

"Chan!" Wonwoo, who was the closest. Stabbed the creature in the heart making it fall into ashes.

The dark, shadow beasts started to swarm them, conering them in the center.

Once again, they battled the with all their might, yet they still felt exhaustion.

"These are hearder to defeat that I thought." Mingyu groans as he fought off the monster, stabbing it in the heart, turning it into ashes.

He went backwards when he noticed there were two of them coming for him. Not knowing his back bumped into something. He looked to his side to see Wonwoo in the same situation.

The dwarf seemed to be struggling. So, with a flash of a swinging sword. Mingyu defeated the four beasts with a blink of an eye, making the older surprised.

"Wow... I didn't know you could be that fast." He said, not sparing a glace at the younger as he stabbed another of the shadow beast.

"Me neither." Mingyu replied.


Actually, how did I become that fast? That was weird...

I guess when I see people in need I get tend to help them in a hurry?

Or was it just Wonwoo hyung.

_ _ _

In the other hand, Soonyoung quickly fished out his dagger from his pockets but ended up grabbing a potion bottle. He trew it to the shadow beast only for colorful confetti to appear out of no where.

"Whoops... Wrong bottle."

He looked up to see the shadow creature was getting closer, yet he was still defenseless. Not until Seungcheol came from the back and stabbed it in the heart as he kept on huffing.

Once the creature turned into thick dust, Seungcheol offered his hand which Soonyoung gladly took as the older helped him up.

"Dang it! My confetti potion..." Soonyoung pouted.

"I could make you another one soon Soonyoung. Let's just finish this." Wonwoo patted the manticore's shoulder as he kept on whining to his bestfriend.

The boys continued on walking the dangerous forest, being super cautious until they reached a small cottage. The boys gasps, they didn't expect the most dangerous witch to just have a regular cottage.

 The boys gasps, they didn't expect the most dangerous witch to just have a regular cottage

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