Chapter 1 - "Unknown Visitor"

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In a world where humans have never stepped foot into. Comes a magical forest filled with mysteries that cannot be told.

For those mortals who come into this forest have been vanished for good. Or unless you are special.

This magical place holds very peculiar creatures and many more that even science can't explain.

Pixies, Faries, Wolves, You name it. They live in this peculiar world, A world that holds many secrets. Everything may sound surreal but I'm telling you... They might not be seen with the human eye but, They do exist.

This magical world holds a kingdom along a ruler with a golden heart. Their Fantasy world is filled with such joyful and cheerful creatures celebrating their immortal lives. And in that world hold 13 powerful creatures that are very much gifted.

But that happiness disappears when an incident happened... Will it bring Luck to the Kingdom? Or will it bring misfortune?


I sprinted as fast as I can, not knowing where my feet were taking me. Fear was taking over my whole body as two terrifying old men, chased me away from the city.

Tears started to form in my eyes as my feet were trembling from fear. I was just walking through a small city, silently celebrating my freedom, when those two men jumped on me and tried to stab me with a knife. Luckily, I escaped, But I don't know if I can run away this long.

I looked back to see them out from my sight, panting, tired from being chased. I sighed in relief now knowing no one else is chasing me.

I looked around to find myself in an unfamiliar forest. Thick trees, vines growing, mushrooms. Looks like a forest that hasn't been touched before. Where am I? Surely, the city doesn't have any forest near.

Oh how I want to go back, but I think I'm lost in this forest. I started to panic not knowing what to do.

After a few moments, I have calmed myself down, well, a little. I decided to walk through the forest trying to find someone that can help me get back home. I bet my parents are getting worried. Oh, who am I kidding? They don't even know I'm missing.

Where am I?


Me and Jeonghan are in our room, boredom fills the atmosphere. I held out my hand in the air and created a small daisy. Smiling, I flicked my finger and it poofed away leaving a few pretty petals.

Suddenly, Our butler Younwon busted through the door making me and my older brother startled.

"Your majesties! The king has called for your presence! Hurry! It's an emergency!" He cried trying to catch his breath.

I looked at Jeonghan with my mouth agape as his expression was the same. Father hasn't called out an emergency in a long time. What could be happening that can cause father to call us so quickly?

As we walked down the grand hall, the workers seem to be panicking. I looked at Jeonghan who seemed to be calm, but I know he's panicking inside too. I know him too well.

We got inside the throne room to see our father pacing back and forth with Seungkwan sitting on his shoulder, which was the little, white bird. I frown as both of us go up to him, worried.

"I call a meeting with all the gifted! I need their presence." Our father shouted at the lead guard Sungwook.

"My Majesty, Are you sure-"

"Yes, I am! I need them now." Our father commanded with such fear in his eyes.

Sungwook nodded and called out for the others, as we stare at their figures, exit through the doors of the castle.

"Father? What is happening?" Jeonghan asks and took a small glance at me.

"My dear sons." We both frown as we looked into our father's eyes, He looks worried.

"A human has entered our world."

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