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Alena's POV

Both my hands are holding test tubes when the intercom in my lab goes on. It is a loud shrieking sound breaking into my eardrums making me keep the test tubes back in their holders and covering my ears with my palms.

What the hell happened now?

When the shrieking sound fades down, I bring my palms down and wait for the announcement.

After a few seconds I hear my father's voice, "everyone kindly gather in the conference room. It is a code yellow emergency."

He repeats that two more times and then the intercom goes silent.

Emergency? Code yellow emergency?

Code yellow emergencies are not very serious ones but as a matter of fact every emergency here is a serious emergency.

We have had emergencies before. It always gets solved sooner or later. I don't need to worry about it. It is our job to solve them.

I quickly remove my white lab coat and exit the door heading towards the elevator. I quickly play the melody and press the button for the 9th floor, making the elevator move upwards.

In a few seconds the elevator chimes open and I start walking towards the conference room.

I sigh and open the door, seeing loads of people sitting across the long oval table.

People again.

Not a meeting again.

I quickly walk towards an unoccupied seat and sit on it, not even lifting my head up from staring into the flooring.

After the hustle calms down in the room, I see my dad enter the room, last.

There were a few whispers and chattering here and there, and he silences everything as he enters the room.

Everyone greets him while he takes a seat at one end of the oval table. At the head of the oval table. Behind him is a large black flat screen on the wall and in his right side is a large world map glowing at different countries signifying the threat rates on it.

It is intriguing to look at that large map, how sometimes some countries glow up more than the others.

Our work is to minimize those glows and make this world free of conspiracy and corruption. It seems threatening, yeah, because it is.

Dad clears his throat and starts, "thank you all of you for gathering here on such short notice," everyone nods and he continues, taking a sigh, "so our head tech guy Corbin Bleu has gone MIA."

The moment those words leave my father's mouth, everyone starts looking at each other slightly wide-eyed. At this, I lift my head and get immediately connected with a pair of emerald eyes intensely staring into my brown ones. I give Harry a tight-lipped smile but he doesn't return it, instead turns his head away from my direction and towards my dad.

Weird. Why did he just do that? Did he do that because I found him staring at me? Anyways, it was weird.

After that day in the mall, I haven't seen him much this week. I think he has been around me but hasn't tried talking to me. So I haven't either.

I so badly want to talk to him but I can't because I am afraid something will happen like last time, I opened my mouth.

"He has been out for three weeks now and hasn't returned yet." Dad says sternly, concerned.

"He told me that he went to visit his grandma," someone in the meeting said. I don't even care to look at who says it but I know it is Daniel.

I can recognize people easily by their voices. Makes it easy you know, without actually looking at them.

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