~twenty nine~

407 23 141

"Call me a relic, call me what you will
Say I'm old fashioned, say I'm over the hill
Today's music ain't got the same soul
I like that old time rock and roll"

~Old Time Rock and Roll, Bob Seger

Alena's POV

"Do you have any special requests for tonight?" I ask Harry as we exit the parking lot after keeping the shopping bags in my car.

We haven't yet decided where to eat or what to eat and Harry is clearly not helping me with his choices.

"Whatever you wanna eat, it's okay with me," he says, not looking at me. I sigh and roll my eyes. I am asking him this same question again and again and all he is saying is that he is okay with whatever I choose.

I have no problem in choosing a place to eat but to be honest I also don't know what to eat or where to go to right now. I am not good at making decisions and I don't want Harry to go somewhere which he doesn't like.

I don't want to disappoint him with my choices.

What if he doesn't like what I choose? That's so much pressure. This is the exact reason why I want him to decide for us. Well there is no such thing as 'us'.

We got out of the mall after keeping my shopping bags in my car, Harry carrying them the whole time. We talked a little bit here and there involving him making a snarky comment on something I said.

And now we are walking down the streets of Seattle on Saturday. The bright lights of the shops are making my eyes squint as we walk. People are walking up and down the streets nuzzling into each other and it looks so lovely.

Harry walks beside me with his hands shoved in his pocket and his eyes everywhere on the street. I guess it's some sort of spy trait. I wouldn't know 'cause all I have done is make gadgets for spies. I have never been allowed to go on actual field missions and it's also not any interest of mine. But I want to go on a field mission once at least.

Harry's eyes squint on every person that is walking opposite us. He is looking at them as if they will take out knife from their suits right now and start stabbing people.

He is no longer talking with me either. As soon as we left the parking lot he stopped interacting with me fully except humming and giving me short answers, and stared at people for any unusual behaviour. Honestly, his intimidatingly observing every random citizen is freaking me out a little. I mean yeah, I can understand he is being careful and alert but god damn, does this guy ever relax?

We are just silently walking between the wave of people. His silence shouldn't bother me much but it is bothering me. And I can't figure out why.

I have never been a person to socialise or talk with anyone first but with Harry it's just different. I don't understand. I just want to talk to him all the time even though he makes rude comments but I don't want to annoy him. It's just that I feel safe around him and want to be around him all the time.

"Are you okay with anything or do you have a specific diet?" I turn my face toward him and ask. He cuts his eyes off from glaring at people and looks at me, giving me his full attention. I am so desperate to talk to him so well I find an excuse to.

Well I am not expecting any response from him except, 'no, I don't have any diet' but my rational side of head is saying that maybe he has a diet cause like he is so fit and all, so he might eat healthy food unlike me who lives on junk and fat.

He looks at me and his lips roll into his mouth. I raise my eyebrows at him for him to give me his response. He raises his eyebrows back at me and a small smirk takes place on his lips and I already know he is going to give a snarky comment.

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