~twenty six~

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"I get overwhelmed so easily
My anxiety creeps inside of me
Makes it hard to breathe
What's come over me?
Feels like I'm somebody else"

~Overwhelmed, Royal & The Serpent

Alena's POV

I groan, feeling sick everywhere. My head throbbing and my throat feeling dry like the Sahara desert.

All of my sense organs feel numb and enlightened at the same time. I wait until all my senses come back to life slowly. I try to turn on my side but that's when I feel something heavy weighing down on me.

I slowly open my eyes. The streaks of sunlight fall on my eyes making me instantly squint by the burn in my eyes. I wait for half a minute and after I get adjusted to the lightings, I open my eyes fully.

I blink rapidly, rubbing the back of my hand on my eyes to get rid of the remaining sleep and look at the room where I am in, which doesn't look like mine at all. It is dark and has long wall length windows. And I can see the clouds in the sky clearly from the windows which don't have curtains at all. Sunlight falls on my face like a wave.

Am I in hell?

This place, whatever this place is, it seems way too fancy and modern to be hell. But what does hell really look like, I have never had an imagination. If this is hell then this is totally different than I hoped it to be.

I slowly start feeling everything around me. Air hits my face and bare legs. I look at my surroundings a bit without turning my head but by flicking my eyeballs. Okay well not flicking my eyeballs, that is a wrong line to say, anyways you know what I mean right? Every time I try to tilt my head a little to look around, it hurts. An uneasy throbbing settling in my head down to my toes.

I feel panic arising in my body from not knowing where I am or what I am doing here. The last thing I remember is - fuck, I don't remember the last thing.

Then suddenly I feel a little squeeze on the side of my stomach. And I become fully aware of someone else's presence beside me.

Perfect, now I am also not alone.

I see a hand stretched over my stomach, a large hand indeed. The arm soft and warm against my skin making my skin erupt in heat. The fingers of the person not particularly touching me but just in place. It is a bit curved around my waist, it is radiating warmth even from a distance and there is a feeling of tingling in my stomach. It is like a limp body. Or maybe it is a dead body and I am dead too. And now I am in hell.

I shrug that thought quickly out of my mind finding it utterly stupid.

The fingers are filled with big metal rings. As I slowly follow the hand from its fingers to the forearms, I see a lot of different unrealistic tattoos which I think I have seen before but my mind is running way too slow to recognise them right now.

My eyes follow the person's arm to the forearms only to be met by thick bulging muscles gleaming in the morning sunlight. My eyes further follow from the forearms to the neck of the person and then the chest and then the abs. A crucifix on the neck and the abs that are so perfectly carved that I can't keep my eyes off it. A beautiful butterfly inked in the middle.

Are tattoos allowed in hell?

I find myself staring at a cut on the side of the chest where there is a long dash which is faded. It's like a torn up patch of skin maybe from a knife or something. It is healed but the mark is still there.

My eyes finally follow up to the face of the person just to know who this absolutely breathtaking looking person is.

I am met with Harry's peaceful sleeping face. His eyes shut and his long beautiful eyelashes arranged. His pink cherry lips a bit puckered, making him look adorable in his sleeping state. He is turned towards me, his legs tucked slightly upwards making his knee touch my outer thigh.

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