Chapter 20 - Greeting

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A/N: Seems like the consensus is one chapter / day. So I will continue with that until you tell me otherwise. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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Walking a few steps behind, Wen Ke Xing gently sways his fan whilst he observes Zhou Xu walking slow and a little bit awkwardly, yet with surprising certainty, towards Jianshan pavilion. The dark green robe shimmers like an emerald when the sunlight hits it as he moves through the spiderweb of walkways and passages on the mountain side.

"Ah-Xu~ How do you know where we are going?"

"If we are entertaining, it would be in a tearoom in the main pavilion, right?"


"There is only one pavilion further up the mountain than mine. Logic tells me—that is yours."

"It is."

"Then isn't that where we are going?"

"Ah-Xu, your logic is impeccable. Since you know where I live, feel free to visit me anytime you want." So, you are familiarizing yourself with your surrounding? Planning your moves? Oh, how I will enjoy this.


Not bothering to respond, Zhou Xu continues towards the pavilion above, eager to map out the route and inside as soon as possible, not knowing that his thoughts have already been guessed by the person following close behind. The more I know about the layout of this place, the better.

Reaching the front gate, two guards greet him by standing in salute. Stopping, he takes in his surroundings. This pavilion is a bit different from the others with a structure towering towards the edge of a cliff, large openings without any protective screens are visible from below.


"Nu Zhuren!"

Wen Ke Xing walks past Zhou Xu, not even acknowledging the two worker ants by the gate. "Ah-Xu, let me show you around."

Unlike the others, there is a smaller courtyard with several entries to, what Zhou Xu presumes are, the caves and the rest of the pavilion. To their left is a structure that reaches from one of the openings all the way out to the furthest point of the cliff.

"Ah-Xu, the main tearoom is in that building to our left", he says pointing towards the structure on the cliff, a sign painted with the name Kuai He above the doors. "My chambers, library, office and private rooms are all in the pavilion", he says pointing towards the doors leading into the mountain. "Do you want to see the inside of the pavilion before we meet our guests?"

"No. Let's just get this over with."

Smiling at the unexpected answer, Wen Ke Xing glances at this unpredictable man. So fascinating this man.


Wen Ke Xing doesn't miss the irritated look that flashes momentarily in Zhou Xu's eyes before that marble exterior is back to normal. Interesting.

Turning towards Kuai He, he sees Ah-Xiang skipping down the steps, stopping abruptly when she recognizes Zhou Xu. "Oh, Nu Zhuren, you are here too?" Her over-excited smile almost vibrates through the air towards them.

"Gu Guniang" Zhou Xu says flatly and nods. Why is she so irritating? Like a mosquito just buzz, buzz, buzz everywhere. I just want to swat her.

"Ah-Xiang, are they all here?"

"All except the two Grim Reapers and Changing Ghost."

Flicking his fan closed, he smiles that cold smile that makes Ah-Xiang shiver, "And where are they?"

"As far as I know, it was their underlings that caused the scene yesterday. Some of them are dead." She goes quiet and looks suggestively towards Zhou Xu.

"That's okay, you can speak in front of my Ah-Xu, I don't keep any secrets from him." Wen Ke Xing says with a hint of irritation in his voice as he taps the fan in his left palm.

"..." Zhou Xu smiles and turns to walk slowly around the courtyard, unknowingly pulling at his sleeves.

"Oh, well, okay. They are late because I told them they couldn't just leave the bodies anywhere. They are at the Cliff of Falling Petals disposing of them."

"Good girl." Wen Ke Xing responds and taps the fan at the top of her head whilst observing Zhou Xu strolling around.

"Zhuren, is it really a good idea to bring him here? What if—" Ah-Xiang continues with a lowered voice.

"Ah-Xiang, are you saying I can't protect him?"

"Zhuren, I am just worried."

"What is going to happen?"

"We still don't know who these Ghosts are and where their loyalty lies."

"Ah-Xiang, these are the Ten Devils, we can't trust any of them. They are all plotting to take my place. That is the reason they are here, isn't it? So we can figure out if it is the same person behind last week's incident as well as yesterday's?"


"Ah-Xiang, go in and tell them we are here."

Walking over to Zhou Xu, he holds out his arm, "Ah-Xu, shall we?"

Staring at the arm, Zhou Xu sighs internally at his current situation. Weighing the likelihood of him not having to walk in on Wen Ke Xing's arm like a pretty accessory—the odds are not in his favor. Saving himself the argument, he wraps around the upper arm, transforming his features to that marble one that makes Wen Ke Xing want to bully him.

"Husband," he says with an over exaggerated honeyed voice, "let's go and drink tea with our guests."

Ignoring the tone, Wen Ke Xing is more than a little surprised at how obedient this person is. What exactly is he planning on doing when he leaves Hua Men?

Strolling in, side by side, the room falls silent as everyone stares at the bride that has unexpectedly joined them. They had all assumed that he would be locked up in chains somewhere, ready to serve the new Guzhu for the rest of his life. Yet here he was, looking radiant with the exception of that one cut on his lip.

Zhou Xu observes the so-called ten devils, these ghost leaders, in front of him. They are divided into minor groups of two to three ghosts, spread throughout the room. Not too close to be considered allies, but not too far away so that they can't eavesdrop on what the others are discussing. Some of their underlings are hovering close by, waiting for orders.

"Guzhu!" The first one to speak up is one of the shorter ones. He is dressed in a gray robe with a weird looking turban that has something resembling a dancing snake sticking out at the top. Does he not own a mirror?

"Nu Zhuren! You are both here. What a treat." Walking forward, he stops in front of them and performs an over exaggerated bow causing both Wen Ke Xing and Zhou Xu to roll their eyes internally.

Wen Ke Xing nods in acknowledgement and puts his arms around Zhou Xu's shoulders. "Everyone, this is my husband, Zhou Xu. From now on, whatever he says, you must obey as if the order came from me."


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