Chapter 1

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~I decided now to tease you for the story, so I decided to publish chapter 1, enjoy~


*******'s POV*

-Wedding day, one of the best things in a person's life, a day where you will confess everything to the woman you love, promising her to make her happy, and give her a good life.

"****** Do you accept **** to be your wife" the priest asked

"I do" I answered

"**** Do you accept ****** to be your Husband" the priest then asked to my bride

"I do" my bride answered

"Having pledged your love and promise to each other in front of your friends and family and by the power vested to me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" the priest announced

-I slowly lift her veil, and see her beautiful face smiling at me, I'm not sure if her eyes are completely close because it looks like that, as I was about to connect our lips, a light suddenly appeared in front of me, blinding me, and making me fall from my bed shocking my brother.

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Just waked up from my beautiful dream" I answered

"Hmm... I see, then hurry up, because it's already 6:45, we're going to be late for our class" my brother exclaimed then leaves the room

"Who's that girl in my dream? she is beautiful huh" I asked myself while looking at the ceiling

*****'s POV*

*Spits the coffee she's drinking*

"What happened" my brother asked

"N-nothing, I just feel like someone is just thinking about me" I answered taking another sip to my coffee



-5th year, the best year in a student's life in my opinion, why? Because I'll be graduating now, I'm done studying, no more reviews for exams, no more assignments, no more group activities, although you still need to work, but who cares. BTW, Hi, I'm Daniel Choi, 5th year, Graduating student, although I don't think it is a right term to say I'm graduated, because of the fact that I will not graduating this S.Y because of my poor grades.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. & Mrs. Choi, but I can't do anything for your son anymore, he's not passing his home-works, always absent, I don't know what happen to him, he is good Last Year, decent grades, sometimes early sometimes late, at it's rare for him to absent, I don't know what cause him to neglect his own grade this year."

"Hayyy, I'm just right here outside your office, you know that right? Dang it, why am I a year older than Karina?" I asked to myself

-I'm not blaming Karina, it's not her fault, in fact, she is the reason of my decent grades for the last 3 years of us being together, she motivates me to study hard, although I'm not a top student I balance my grades, because of her, I'm hardworking, but when I'm in my final year, I always thought "What will happen to her when I'm gone, what if while I'm working, someone is hitting on her, how will I protect her?", that's why it came to mind to repeat this year, for us to graduate to graduate, but the problem is, she doesn't know that I do this, drown in my thoughts, I didn't realized my parents is already standing in front me, Dad with an angry expression, while Mom looking at me with a Worried expression

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