Chapter 47

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46💍CHAPTER 47💍


"Bye Ben!! I hope your brother wake up sooner!!!" Andy called

"Thanks" I said then left the pool

-As I left the gym, I saw Joanna talking with Jaeden on the way to me

"Oh hey, Ben, alright Joanna, got to go, reconsider my offer, ok?" Jaeden said

"Alright, alright" Joana said

"What offer is he talking about?" I asked

"Oh about that? His friend request to have a date with me" Joanna said

"Did he tell you who's the guy?" I asked

"It's Pe-What's up guys" Jake called who's walking with Sam

"Oh hey, you're here, let's go to Monday" Joanna said as we then went to Volleyball Gym

-As we went to the gym, we saw Monday resting on a bleacher, stretching a little

"Oh hey guys, our practice just ended, that's why I took a rest" Monday said

"It's alright we can wait here, rest first" Jake said

"Jake's right, I still have to more time before I visit my brother" I said

"We can visit tomorrow, right?" Monday asked

"Of course, just be little quiet" I said

"Wow!! Coming from you, maybe you forgot that you are part of the Microphone Line" Joanna said

"Alright, alright" I said rolling my eyes


-When Monday finished preparing, she finally took a shower, and then went to the parking lot, as all of them went to Jake except Samuel, he's walking with me

"Why are you not going to ride with Jake?" I asked

"I brought my bike this time" he answered

"You have a bike?" I asked with wide eyes

"Yeah, they're a little bit noisy" Samuel said as we laughed

"Wow, that's an amazing bike" I said

"Thanks" he said smiling

-We then started our bikes, Jake said he will bring the girls home

"I'm home" I said when I entered the house but silence filled it

"Maybe they already visited Steve" I said to myself, as I went upstairs and bring a little of snacks that I can eat while looking over to Steve

-I then took my books and notebooks, so I could study while staying over there

-As I then went outside, wear my bag and started my bike, and went to the place

-Before I went to the hospital, I visited a very close relative first, I bought a tulip from a flower shop near the cemetery, because that's what they always love, then I quickly visited them, I looked for their grave and when I finally did and I smiled at them

"Hey, how are you?" I asked sitting down on the floor

"I bought this for both of you" I said then placed down the tulip in front of their grave

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