Chapter 30

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"Ben... what's wrong? You seem out of yourself" Bob asked

"Ooh... ummm... yupp... just sleep late last night" I answered

-We're on our way to our locker to get the things we need for the next class

"Benjamin, did you bring the laptop?" Ethan asked out of nowhere

"Oh sh*t, I forgot my laptop" I facepalmed

"Dude, what the heck?" Ethan shouted as it releases an echo the hallway

"But don't worry, I saved it on my email, I'll go ask my brother to his laptop" I said, then opened my locker

"Better make sure of it" Ethan said

"Yah, of cour-" I didn't finished my words when my eyes caught the letter in my view

"A letter?" Bob asked

"I guess so" I said then opened the letter

'I know you're tired in school, but always keep on smiling, you look cute in it 😉'

<3 C.K

"From the writing itself, it's not Joanna, looks like she has some competition huh?" Bob teased

"Competition? What do you mean?" Ethan asked

"Did I say competition? Forget what I said" Bob answered

-A Letter? But who


"Yeah, coach is really stressing" I answered while we're on our way to each other's building

"Yeah totally, so umm... Ben, I'm just curious" Carrie said


"Do you like someone?" Carrie asked

"Oh uh... hehe" I said then laugh awkwardly

"Come on, it's just a 'yes or no' question, you don't have to tell the name" she pleased while pouting


"Well... umm... yeah, but I only admired her, nothing else, how about you?" I answered

"Yes, of course, I hope he finally notice me, since I always put something on his locker, I hope he finally have the idea who I am, once he read the first letter I send to him" she answered smiling

"I see, I hope he finally notices you" I motivated

"I really do hope of that" she said


-I do always receives something, like chocolates, and this is the first time I received a letter from this girl, does Carrie and my secret admirer are one?

-If my theory is true, does that mean, she likes me? But why? I mean isn't it supposed to be good, she's one of the famous students in school, a swimming athlete, also she's a model, so isn't to be a good thing? But why do I suddenly of think of Joanna because of this?

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