Chapter 44

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-In the middle of the night, I was woken up, with a call

"Daniel, you answer it" Lucy said in a sleepy tone

"You're the one near from it" I said also in sleepy tone but she just whine

"Alright, alright" I said then went up to my bed

"Good evening" I said in a sleepy tone while rubbing my eyes

"Yes, I am Daniel Choi" I answered still rubbing my eyes

-As I heard the next line, my eyes finally widen from the news that was told to me

"WHATTT!!!!!!" I shouted

"Daniel!!! For pete's sake, would you lower your voice, it's freaking 12am!!!!!" Lucy demanded as she sat up, while here I am still talking to the person on the other line

"I understand, text me which hospital he's in" I said then ended the call, then went to our closet to change my clothes

"Where are you going?" Lucy asked, looks like she's finally awake

"A nurse called me, Steve's in the hospital, right now" I answered, that results her to widen her eyes

"I'll go with you" she said as she stand-up from the bed, then change her clothes


-Currently on the road now, it shocked to heard about the news, that I didn't bother to fix myself

"What happened to Steve?" Lucy asked

"The nurse didn't tell me, so I guess we will find out once we get there" I answered as I fasten my driving

-We finally parked the car, as we went inside the hospital

"Doc, is there a patient sent here with a named Steve Choi?" I asked

"What's your relationship with patient?" the nurse asked

"I'm his brother" I answered

"The patient is still in emergency room, but you can go with the persons who visit him" the nurse said

"I understand" I said

"Please follow me" the nurse instructed

-Lucy and I then went outside the emergency, where Steve is being confined, with Ben standing, and Mom sitting with Dad hugging him

"Ben, how's Steve?" I asked

"There's still no update" Ben answered

"Daniel?" mom called

"Mom" I approached her

"Mom, calm down" I said hugging her

"Deep breath, inhale, exhale, mom" Lucy instructed as mom followed, as I went to dad

"What happened?" I asked to dad

"Car accident" dad answered

"How?" I asked

"A truck hit, the driver of the truck said he suddenly turn right, when the truck was right beside him" dad answered, as I sit on the bench outside

-Few minutes passed, and the doctor finally went out of the room

"Doc, how's my brother?" Ben asked

"You're lucky, he was sent here immediately, if not, he will die due to blood loss" the doctor said

"But unfortunately, he is still in coma" the doctor said, making us sigh in relief a little

"Thank you, doc" dad said as the doctor left

"I will stay with Steve" I said to dad, once we're in a room

"I'll go with you" Lucy said

"I'll excuse myself for the practices, to switch with you" Ben said

"No, you need to be in shape for the upcoming CST Season" I said to him

"Steve's condition is more important than a freaking medal!!!!" Ben shouted

"Enough with it!!!" dad scolded

"Ok, but you still need to attend your practice, We would exchange places with you, ok?" I said to Ben

"Ok, I understand" Ben said

"You can go home, now, Lucy and I will stay with Steve tonight" Daniel said

"I'll visit him tomorrow, so that you can still go to school" mom said

"Mom, I also want to stay with Steve, the three of us can just switch, for the next days" I said

"Alright, if that's what you want" Ben said

"I'll send both of them an excuse letter, for their classes, you go give the letter to Sam" dad said to Ben as he nodded

"Bye, sweetie, I'll come tomorrow" mom said kissing Steve's forehead

"Bye Daniel, bye Lucy" Mom bid as they left the room

-Silence surrounds the room, only the beeping sound can be heard in the room

"You can go to sleep, now, I'll go watch Steve" I said

"No, I had enough, for sure your sleep was cut because of the call earlier" she said

"Thanks" I smiled at her

"Why did you decided to stay? I could've let them sent you home" I said sitting on the spared chairs

"He's my friend, that's why I want to see his condition" she answered as I nod in response

"So that we could also switch, looking at him" she added

"He really is important to you, huh?" I said while my eyes are closed, trying to sleep

"He is only one of my few friends" she said

"Like your group of friends?" I asked, my eyes are still closed, as she hummed in response

"I understand your feeling, he is my brother, that's why I also feel your worry" I said

"Also seeing you the first time, when we bumped into each other, and finding out that you're Steve's friend, I already feel that both of you are like the same person" I said as I opened my eyes to see her looking at me

"Yes, you're right, we're pretty much the same" she said as she looked to Steve

"What do you mean?" I asked with a raised brow, but she sighed

"I'll just tell you next time, you should rest now" she said

"Alright, but just like what you told to me, as your husband, you can tell me, as I'll always be here listening to you" I said smiling at her

"you're right, go rest now" she said smiling back at me

-I rested my head, on the wall, and closed my eyes and went to dreamland

To be continued...

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