Chapter 12

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-We went to food stalls, it's crowded, we can't see our friends

"Where are they?" Julia asked as I shrugged

"Can't you see them?" She asked again

"Nope" I answered

"Heyyyy!!!" a deep voice called

"Felix, where's the other 2?" I asked

"No idea, we split, and decided to meet here" Felix answered

"What's that?" Julia asked

"Burger King Whooper" Felix answered then took a bite

"Aish, I'm already drooling just by watching you, let's go Steve" Julia invited as I go with

"Have fun picking the food, I'll wait here!!!!!" Felix shouted



-I bought McDonalds, while Julia also bought Whooper just like Felix's, and when we came back to the entrance, the three are already there

"Great, the 2 of you are here already" Chantal said

"How long you've been waiting there?" Julia asked

"Actually, we just came here few minutes earlier, we had a hard time looking Chantal's favorite Mint-Choco" Lucy answered as she a bite on her Shawarma while scanning Chantal who is enjoying her Mint-Choco

"She gave me hard time, she even wished to buy her Mint-Choco first before mine" Lucy whined while taking another bite

"You should've just brought a Toothpaste, so that you didn't give Lucy a hard time" Felix joked as Chantal choked on her Mint-Choco

"I TOLD YOU MANY TIMES, THEY'RE NOT THE SAME!!!!" Chantal shouted to Felix

"Stop it, we're in public" I scolded to the bickering brats

"Ever since we went here, you've been fighting, so please, stop for a meantime" Lucy also scolded

-We eat lunch for about 20 minutes while also planning which ride are we going to take

-We tried the tower drop first


from what I know, there is no tower drop in Star City, but since this a fanfic, just think that there is.

"Good thing there's only few people" Julia said

"Are you sure we will ride this first? You might vomit after" Chantal said

"What's wrong? Are you scared?" Felix teased to her

"I'm not talking to you, you finished early so maybe what you ate melted already" Chantal replied while glaring at him again

"That's fine, our stomachs are strong" I said

"Steve's right" Lucy added

-And when it's our turn, while it's rising, I noticed Felix tighten his grip, you can see the fear in his face now

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