Chapter 43

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-Currently in my dad's office, as we discuss about our arranged marriage

"Those are the plan" Mr. Hwang told me

"I see, so we really just have to be married for 9 months?" I asked

"Yes" Mr. Hwang answered

"So, what Lucy said is true" I said to myself

"What do you mean?" dad asked

"She once told me, when she agreed with it, that if we're going to divorce, we should stay as friends" I explained

"I see, I didn't even told her about this, how come she already think of it?" Mr. Hwang

"Let's just forget about that, Daniel you may go now" dad said

"I see, see you dad" I bid


-Currently on the road, the traffic is such a hassle, this would take me a while

-As my mind are busy with traffic, I just can't forget what Lucy told me when I open up on her

"Just remember what Einstein said, that everybody is a genius, you're a genius in your own way, you said that you never take a dance lesson, and yet you're good at dancing, always believe in yourself, don't fear to commit mistakes, because you'll learn from it, no successful person become successful without failures"

"Feeling pressured is really hard, but all you need to do about it, is to either face it or run from it, but remember, you can't run every time, you need to face your problem and solved it your own, in order to overcome it"

"I'm smart in my own way..." I said to myself

"How will I overcome my problems?" I asked to myself

"What do you think? Nancy?" I asked looking at the sky

-If you're curious who's Nancy is, she is the girl that I mentioned, the one that was being bullied back when I'm studying in Cube High School

-Out of nowhere, my phone suddenly rang, cutting me on my thoughts

"Lucy? What's wrong?" I asked

"Oh nothing, I just asked where are you right now?" She asked

"I'm on my way home, traffic is a hassle right now" I said

"Oh I se- what a caring wife Lucy is!!!" Lucy was cut when female voice shouted

"Who's that?" I asked with a raised brow

"Oh, they're here" she answered

"Julia?" I asked

"Yupp, they want to see the house, that's why I let them, oh shoot" she answered as I heard some metal clanging

"Are you cooking?" I asked

"Uhh, yeah, for the dinner, Steve said they're having dinner here" Lucy answered

"I see, oh nice, the traffic finally moved, gonna end this, I'm near home now, bye" I said

"Bye, lov-" I cut her words when I ended the call

"Oh shoot, she's about to say something before ending it, I'm just going to apologize later" I said and continue to drive

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