Chapter 7

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-I went home, because dad asked me to, I'm a little bit nervous because of it, and after 20 minutes, I finally went home

"Dad, what's wrong?" I asked worried to him

"Daniel, I need to tell you something" he started, my heart beats faster than usual after that words

"I close-out our transaction!!!!!!" he shouted as he and Mom are celebrate leaving me in shock, processing what's happening

"Really? I'm happy of you!!!! Congrats Dad" I congratulated Dad

"And because of that, we're gonna take a vacation" he announced as we are jumping because of joy

"Where are we going Dad?" Ben asked

"But we still have to wait until next week, because you still have your recognition" Mom reminded him

"Oh right, forget about that" Ben said and scratch the back of his head

"Excited too much?" I teased him

"Daniel's right, you should calm down Ben" Steve added

-We laugh together, then mom decides to invite us to Dinner, I still eat, because I just want to eat

"LUNCH BREAK part 1:


-We've been practicing for our recognition, and I frequently lose focus because I also can't wait for our vacation

"Dude, Steve, are you okay?" Felix asked as he sipped a soup from his Ramyeon

"Uh... yeah, I'm fine, just couldn't take away from mind our planned vacation" I answered

"Where are you going?" a girl voice asked us and when we turned around there was Julia and Lucy

"Oh, we're going to Korea, Mom decided, so no choice" I answered

"Wow, you have a chance see Kpop idols there" Lucy said

"Yeah right, I also dreamed of going there, to see my Twice" Felix exclaimed then sips on his shake

"Yeah right, I want to Jin oppa, Jong Suk oppa, Chanyeo-" Julia didn't finish her words when Lucy shoved a food in her mouth

"You're too loud, just eat, Steve is the one going to Korea, not you" Lucy while shoving the spoon in her mouth

"Lucy, stop doing that to Julia" I told Lucy while holding her arm

"Steve's right, you're so mean to me" Julia said while fake crying

"Look what you've done, you made the kid dry HAHAHAHAHA" Felix joked

"Shut up, Felix" Julia said with a frown in her face

"Alright, let's just forget about my vacation, how about the three of you? What's your plan?" I asked to them

"As usual I will just play game whole summer" Felix said

"Not sure though, our family hasn't planned anything right now" Lucy then answered

"I don't know, Steve, are you available after your outing?" Julia asked me while blinking many times

"Uhh... so far... I guess none..." I answered

"Can we go out?" she asked then Lucy throw a fries of her face

"Only Steve? You're not going to invite us?" Lucy said to Julia

"Yeah, Julia I feel pain, you're a fake friend" Felix said then dramatically fake cry

"Can both of you chill? I'm not done asking him, ok? You Lucy, you're always the villain of my story you know that, I don't know why you're my friend in the first place" Julia said while locking Lucy's head in her arms

"Ouch Julia, hold on, my fries will fall" Lucy said while trying her best for her fries not to fall because of what they're doing right now

-Felix and I are just laughing from the scene we're witnessing, until Chantal shows, one of our friends

"They're bickering again?" Chantal asked while looking at the 2 and taking her sit between Felix and I

"Why are you here?" Felix asked Chantal

"Why not? I don't want to be sandwich between that two, you know" Chantal said to Felix

"Liar, you just want to take food from me" Felix at the same time, distancing his food to Chantal

"Tsk, yikes, there's germ already, no thanks" Chantal said frowning

"Will the both of you also stop, this 2 is already creating a mess, and you're gonna add to it" I scolded both of them

"And the two of you, stop that already, you'll exchange faces if you continue" I also scolded to the 2 bickering

"Sorry Steve, it's Lucy's fault though" Julia apologized while glaring at Lucy

"When it comes to Steve, you change already" Chantal joked

"Shut up!" Julia said

"Ooh, Julia is burnnnnn" Felix also joked

"Stop already, there's gonna be a round 2 in this table if you continue" I scolded them once again

"Wow, Steve the night in shining armor of Julia, yesss" the three of them joke to me & Julia

"Stop!!!" Julia said while blushing

-Yes, my friends are weird, I am like the father of our group, since I'm the most calming one, sometimes I questioned why they're my friends in the first place, because they're all chaotic, I'm the one getting embarrassed because of what they're doing, Lucy Hwang, the eldest, sometimes she's silent, but when the 2nd eldest, Julia Cho is right beside her, her chaotic side is activated, to the point they can cause a World War 3 because of their bickering, while the middle one, Chantal Kim, she's the one helping me controlling the "High Line", but since Felix and her are always bickering, she also become part of it, while Felix Lee... is so chaotic, let's make it short, that's Felix, and since I'm the last, that's means I'm the youngest, ironic right? The youngest being the one controlling the elder ones, but even though they're chaotic, I still love them, even though they always give me headache.

New Character:

Kim Chaewon as Chantal Kim

Kim Chaewon as Chantal Kim

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To be continued...



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