Chapter 8

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-Lunch break, and I just got the food I'll be eating, because the cafeteria was already crowded, it's really stressful, thanks to Jake's slow ass, but then my stress vanished when she bumped into me

"Sorry Ben" she apologized

"Oh no, it's okay" I told her

"You're a tall person, and you're getting in way" Her friend said

-Why so mean though? You're going to whisper something, yet it can be heard by me, who had like a distance of 5 steps, anyways, I just watched them eating while waiting for my friends, and I can't control steal some glance from her

"She's going to melt, if you don't stop"

"LUNCH BREAK part 2:


-My eyes are just focused to her, looking for the details of her beautiful face, not caring in my surrounding, seeing her is enough for me, I was so lost in the moment until my friend spoke

"She's going to melt, if you don't stop"

"Huh? Oh, Jay, didn't notice you there, come again?" I asked

"I said that Ice cream will melt if you don't eat that" He answered then pointed at the Ice Cream I bought

"Oh this? It's fine for me, melted Ice Cream is fine for me" I told him

"Bruh, what's with you liking melted Ice Cream?" Jake asked suddenly

-When did he get here?

"Let him be, Jake, we all had different taste" Kai suddenly blurted

"You had a point though, look at his brother, loves Mint-Choco" Terry suddenly appeared

-Why are they suddenly appearing out nowhere, the heck?

"You know what, forget about, let's go, I'm starving" I told them as we look for a free table

-While looking, Jay suddenly saw my Older Brother in a funny sight

"Ben, isn't that your brother?" Jay asked pointing to the table where Steve is sitting

A/N:This is the moment where Steve's friends were bickering when Chantal showed up during the last chapter

"Oh yeah" I answered while laughing while witnessing the mess in Steve's table

"The fact that Steve is the youngest in their group..." Terry said

"And then he's the less messy one in their group of friends" Jake followed

"Even if I'm in his position, I would be also embarrassed in the sight we're witnessing right now" I said as we let out a huge laugh

-And after minutes if looking for a table, we finally found a table to eat with, and fortunately, her table can be seen from my view, while eating, I couldn't stop stealing glances from her, all of it was interrupted when Terry spoke

"If I'm in your position, I will confess already, stop staring at her dude, you look like a creep" Terry told me

"Terry's right, it's your loss, if you find out she's already dating someone?" Jake added

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