Chapter 45

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-I finally get to school, taking my helmet and gloves, I still have to go to Daniel's classroom, but I don't have any idea, where's their room

-As I exited the parking lot, someone called me

"Oh hey, didn't notice you there" a voice called behind me

"Oh, hey Hannah, hey Joanna" I greeted

"You're early today, huh? That's new" Joanna said as I walked with them

"Oh, yeah about that, I have to send the excuse letters of my brothers and sister-in-law to my brother-in-law, and since I don't know their rooms, I need to be early, because it will take me a long time to look for their room" I said

"I see, what's with sudden absent? While you're here in school" she asked

"Oh right, you didn't know, Steve was sent to the hospital last night" I said

"What happened?" she asked

"Car accident, the truck driver said he suddenly turned right, as he hit the truck" I answered

"How is he right now?" she asked

"He is unconscious right now" I answered

"Hannah!!!" a voice called

"Sis, I've got to go, Eugene's here, bye" Hannah bid them goodbye then went to her friends

"I forgot she's with us" I said as we laughed

"If you're going to send that to their room, I could help you" Joanna said

"How?" I asked

"Julia is their classmate, right? we could ask her" she answered

"Oh right, you're close with her" I said

"Alright let's go, she might be in the studio" she said as I followed


"Sam!!!! someone's looking for you!!!" Julia called

"Oh, hey Ben, is this the excuse letters?" Sam asked taking the excuse letters

"Yup, dad, already told you, huh?" I asked

"Right after I woke up, I saw his message, I'm hoping for Steve's fast recovery" Sam said

"Alright, I've got to go, our building is on the other side of school, so it will take a while" I said as he nodded

"So your brother and sister-in-law are watching him over?" Joanna asked

"Yup, it's my turn tomorrow" I answered

"So you'll be absent from tomorrow's practice?" she asked as I hummed in response

"Mom, Daniel, and I agreed to it, but I'll still attend the practice tomorrow" I said

"I see" Joanna said as we continue to go to our first class


-I finally woke up, as I saw Lucy asleep beside Steve, looks like she still fell asleep despite complete sleep last night

-Suddenly, I felt my stomach grumble, I look at the clock, showing the time 8:28

"I guess I got to buy a food for us" I said as I left the room to buy us a meal

Settings: Convenience Store

-While choosing for the food to eat, I ran to a close friend

"Oh Daniel, you're here" a voice called

"Oh hey, sup, Yousef" I greeted

-Yousef Kang, cousin of Terry, and Samson's friend and classmate, both of them are Studying in KQ University with a Mechanical Engineering course, I met him during Sam's birthday

"You're so early to buy something in Convenience Store" he said taking from the shelf

"Steve's in hospital right now, and I'm looking over for him" I said

"Oh I see, what happened?" he asked

"Car accident, he's unconscious as of now" I answered

"I see, hoping for him to wake up sooner, btw congratulations to your wedding, sorry I didn't attend" he apologized

"It's fine, your two cousins are there, so no worries, why didn't you attend btw? Sam attended, so why are you not present?" I asked

"I stayed in our dorm, since I still have to finish my home-works, Sam already finished his, that's why he was able attend" he explained

"I see, that's why you should change, so that you won't procrastinate in your works" I said

"Yeah, yeah, you're good with that?" he asked looking at the food I bought

"Oh yeah, mom will come over to visit later, so I'm guessing she bring will something later" I answered

"I see, I'll tell Sam about Steve" Yousef said

"Thanks, Sef" I thanked him as we parted ways

"The hospital is near to KQ, I didn't notice it" I said while walking to the hospital

-As I returned to the room, Lucy is still asleep beside Steve

-I then decided to let her sleep in the couch that was in the room

-As I put her down on the couch, I fixed her messy hair, having a long hair is a struggle, as I finished fixing her hair, she suddenly woke up

"Oh sorry, did I wake you?" I apologized

"No, I just woke up" she sat up and stretched

"I see, I bought us some meals, like noodles, to eat since yesterday was the last time I woke up" I said

"Oh thanks" she said

"What do you want? I bought some cup noodles, sandwich..." I asked

"I'm fine with any" she said smiling

"Alright, I'll just give each" I said as she laughed

-We then eat our breakfast, as only the soup of the we're sipping is the only sound creating

"Lucy?" I said trying to break the silence, as she hummed in response

"What do you mean... when you said... you and Steve... are pretty much the same" I asked

"Umm..." she said as she looked around the room

"Sorry, it looks like it's very personal, that it might be sensit- no it's ok" she said as she sighed

"Since you opened up yourself back then, I'm going to tell you mine, is it alright?" she asked

"Of course, just like what you said to me, since I'm your husband, I would always be in your side to listen to your problem" I said

"Yes, you're right"

*LUCY's short POV*

-Will he understand me?

To be continued...

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