Chapter 20

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-We're in school together with the 5 of us, yes. Bob is with us, we became comfortable with him during the first week, he even helped Benjamin for encouraging to confess to Joanna, giving some facts like this, like that

"I heard that there's a cute transferee for the third year" Jay said

"Everyone is cute for you, Jay, what's new?" Terry said

"He's right, stop with it Jay, you're always targeting underclassmen" Jake added

"Dude, that's child abuse, or you can say Pedophile" Bob joked

"What's wrong with the 3 of you, 3 years isn't that big though" Jay defended

"But still, study first, then mingle later" I told him

'Yeah yeah, whatever, anyways, how's 1st week?" Jay shifted the topic

"Let's just that we're in hell now compared to last year" Terry said

"We've been in hell since we started college" Benjamin

"Ben's right, as time goes on, we go lower and lower to each layer of hell" Kai added

"It's ok, just think of your inspiration, you'll be motivated for sure" Bob motivated

"How about us? only Benjamin and Terry are the only two that has inspiration on the six of us" said Jake

"Why am I also part of it? I don't even have any crush"

"Care to explain what you're showing to Judy?" Jay teased at the same time wiggling his eyebrows

"Stop with the teasing, btw I'll go somewhere first, you go to the class firs-" I said while running, but I cut my word since I'm not looking where I'm going, I bumped into a person, or should I say... angel

"Sorr-" I didn't finished my word when I get a close look on her, I was stunned to see it

"It's ok, I'm also not looking on my way, that's why I didn't notice you" the girl explained

-After hearing that, I felt my world stop, heart beating fast, why am I feeling this? Why?




-The two students came in, and you might guess it, he's the man who bumped with me earlier, seriously? He's only 3rd year? With that height and deep voice, I thought he was 4th year or 5th, but I'm very curious who's the girl?

"Would you please introduce yourselves, towards your classmate" Mr. Kim instruct, then the boy took a step forward

"Hi, I'm Suzuki Haruka, and yes, if you're curious why my name is like that, I'm Japanese" the guy named Haruka introduced, suddenly the girls in our room started shouting, whipped that much?

"What a simps" Eugene whispered

"As if you're not like that with your pAPa sAm" I teased to her

"That's different, I've been admiring him for a while, while him? They just heard about him right now" she defended

"But isn't that... Vicky?" she asked

"Vicky?" I asked back

"Do you remember what I said to my childhood bestfriend? Is that her?" she explained

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