Chapter 41

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[3 days later]


"Done with the group work Mr. Kim give?" Lucy asked

"I'm holding ours work right here" Felix said as he raised their work

"Oh nice, Julia where ours?" I asked

"Oh, I left it in my locker" Julia answered

"Alright, let's pass it, wait for us" I said

"I'll go in cafeteria, so I could already save us a sit" Lucy said

"Oh nice, the hallway is crowded, Felix and I will go to the faculty, don't worry we will wait both of you there" Chantal said

"Oh ok, then" Julia said

"I'll go buy our lunch, so we can eat already when you return, what do you want?" Lucy asked

"The usual" Julia answered

"Me too" the other 3 of us answered

"Alright, bye" Lucy said as we parted ways


-We went to Julia's locker, as she opened it, to take our work, and then I noticed something

"Why do you have a pink envelope there?" I asked

"H-huh? Oh, u-umm... it's nothing, for my dad who's living in Canada" Julia answered

-Her father is in Canada, while she and her mother are living here, for you to know

"What a cute one, it's even in color pink" I teased

"Hehe, oh finally, found it" she said handing me our work

"Just a minute, I'll fix my locker, it's kinda a mess right now" she said

"Alright" I said


-As we're on the way to the Mr. Kim's faculty, we ran to Ben's captain

"Oh, Steve you're here" Sky called

"Oh, Sky, long time no see" I greeted

"You too, have you seen Ben?" he asked

"Why do you ask me? But no, I didn't" I answered

"I see, well I guess, I'll look for him in the cafeteria, alright see you, I still have to give this to Mr. Byun" he said then left

"Alright, bye" Julia and I bided together

-We finally went to Mr. Kim's faculty room, as we saw Chantal and Felix waiting outside

"Finally, you're here, it's freaking hot here you know?" Chantal whined

"Julia had to fix her locker first, since it's so messy" I answered

"Hehe, my bad" she apologized, as we enter Mr. Kim's faculty room


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