Chapter 1 | A Strange Afternoon

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Warnings ⚠️
- None

This is my second book, so like if it's shitty you'll know why.


"Dandelion into the wind you go, won't you let my darling know that...~

I'm in a field of dandelions, wishing on every one that you'd be mine..~"

- Ruth B - Dandelions


Bakugou always dreamed of being an artist ever since he was young. That's why he worked really hard to achieve his dream and now he finally did it. He had a little money that he saved up and got one of the cheapest shops in the city. It needed a bit of renovating, but he would fix it little by little over time.

When he opened his shop for business, there weren't a lot of people coming in. Though he wasn't expecting success right away, he knew that it took time. It was a bit of a problem, but he didn't mind.

Then, it really started to be a big problem when he could barely pay the rent for his apartment. His idiots always told him to quit and get another job, but he would never listen. This was his dream, he wouldn't give up that easily and a voice at the back of his mind told him not to give up. And Bakugou knew that was another reason to keep going.

Months later, he was getting a bit more customers. But it was still not enough money to pay the rent. He was paying rent with the little money he had saved up before buying the shop.

Bakugou was in his apartment. He had been pacing around in his tiny living room for a while now.

For the first time in his life, Bakugou didn't know what to do. He was stressed. Should he listen to his idiots and give up the dream of being an artist, then go find another job or trust the voice and not give up?

After a lot of time. Bakugou decided what to do. He wouldn't give up, but if it gets way too much, then he's going to get a part-time job.

Though, that was months ago. Bakugou had to get a part-time job. He had to admit. It was too much weight on his shoulders

He works part time at a Starbucks. Sometimes, he would come home with a headache, because of the annoying customers. They would throw tantrums over the dumbest stuff ever, then call for the manager. Long story short, it was always a big mess.

Today, he already had his morning shift at Starbucks. That meant, all that was left to do was, go to his shop and do his routine. Which was, clean around a bit, then sit and wait for customers.

Occasionally, there would be an assigned time for someone to pick up their painting. Those days always made Bakugou feel a spark of happiness flow through his veins. It always felt awesome.

Today was one of those days. The person was a man, who was maybe in his mid 30s. The man wanted a painting for his girlfriend's birthday. He wanted to give her a painting of their most treasured moment together. She had done so much for him. And the least he could do was, get her something.

Bakugou knew this because the man wouldn't stop talking. He worked extra hard on this painting, not because he was being nice, because he needs money. After a long time, the painting was done. Bakugou was happy with how it came out. It was definitely one of his best works.

Some time had passed and most of the shop was clean. The only thing that was left to clean was the floor. He brought his broom out and started sweeping.

Few minutes later, Bakugou heard the sound of a bell coming from the front door. Signaling that someone was inside. He guessed it was the man coming to pick up his painting. But the painting wasn't with him right now. He had to get it from the small storage room at the back of the shop.

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