Chapter 11 | Desperate For Attention

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- Explicit language/content (only a lil bit tho)


Shikumo Yui? What is she doing here?

He pulled up in his driveway, parked his car and got out. Izuku walks toward the black haired lady in front of his doorstep and greets her with a small hello. "Hello, Izuku." She says coldly, obviously wanting to make it clear to Izuku of how upset she was. For a reason Izuku was yet to know about. Although, He was taken aback by how cold she was being but quickly composed his expression and continued the conversation.

"So uhh, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something. If it's okay with you?" Her words were serious. Her stern face and tone were really annoying Izuku. He nodded, his eyebrows furrowed as he leaned on the wall behind him while jiggling a pair of keys in hands. And so an awkward silence began between them, again. They stood in front of each other, not knowing what to say. It felt so heavy, breathing felt harder and harder to accomplish.

Though, out of nowhere, her voice, low with a hint of sadness, spoke, "Who's Bakugou?" Yui's eyes were gawking at Izuku, waiting for an answer for her question.

Izuku shook in surprise, goosebumps traveled down his neck as the cold weather reached him. He felt a burning sensation on his freckled face as Yui continued staring at him with a face so blank, a face that showed no emotion whatsoever. His arm bends and his hands rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly.

"W-Well uh, he- he's my friend?" The result of that answer (which sounded more like a question) made Yui's eyes light up in happiness but she still had her suspicions. Bakugou was a man, not a girl which relieved her partially but as she said before she still had her suspicions. Why was Izuku blushing at the mention of a guy? Does Izuku like guys? No, that was impossible, Izuku wasn't disgusting like that.

"Wait, how do you know who Katsu- Bakugou-san is?"

"I texted you this morning. Iida gave me your phone number."

"Oh." Iida couldn't even tell him about it? Jesus, he thought it was a stalker or something.

"Well then, let's go in and talk about this, shall we?"

"We shall." She smiled brightly.


"Round face, you don't understand! He KISSED MY NOSE" Bakugou was at his shop and of course Ochako was there to keep him under control. Bakugou was painting while literally shouting about the kiss that happened this morning. All of a sudden, after Izuku left, Bakugou got a massive boost of motivation and ran to his store. He also called Ochako over here because why not? He wanted to annoy her a bit and god, she was annoyed alright.

"Can you SHUT UP ALREADY? You've said this like twenty million times, like I get it, damn." She sees her friend stop painting and zone out, again. The look on his face was creepy, His eyes looked like he was high, his terrible attempt at smiling was going to haunt Ochako in her dreams. In conclusion, He was totally terrifying but cute. It's confusing, really.

"Stop, that look on your face is seriously terrifying me."

"Oh shut up. You've done the same thing for Himiko" She blushed, he wasn't wrong. He did have to put up hours of her rants, she should also do the same for him. She sighed, "You're right." Bakugou smirked and continued with his painting. Ochako stood still and realized what Bakugou just said. She decided to make a cheeky remark.

"Wait, does this mean that you admit the fact that you sorta have a crush on him?" Ochako smirked in delight, due to the blushed expression Katsuki had on his face. He scowled, not liking the teasing smirk his best friend had on her face. But in the end, he only responded to said question with a quiet 'tch' and continued to draft out his painting.

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